
Gbstetric Performance Assessment

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The performance measure is to improve patient satisfaction scores on the unit. Our goals are to increase HCAPHS scores, to achieve this goal we will be implementing an anonymous patient satisfaction survey for parents that will be given at of discharge. Results from this survey will provide feedback on ways to improve patient care. As a result, it will improve HCAPHS scores for the hospital, thereby increasing hospital reimbursement and revenue.
The quality measure is to decrease the time between admission and the administration of intravenous antibiotics to infant whose mothers are GBS positive. Our goal is to decrease infection rates, length of stay and decrease the incidence of morbidity and mortality rates. This goal will be achieved by implementing a golden hour guidelines that will be initiated on admission once orders are placed for blood cultures and antibiotics. The guidelines can also be used for septic work ups on the unit.
Patient Safety …show more content…

This can be accomplished by implementing a monthly handwashing initiative on the unit that would consist of completing five anonymous evaluations a month. Staff can enter their names into a drawing on the unit, winners will receive a prize for their participation. The increase in consistent handwashing between patients will reduce mortality and morbidity rates, reduce length of stay, reduce infection rates therefore increasing reimbursement for the hospital.
Employee Engagement:
The employee engagement measure is to increase number of certified nurses with RNC-NIC or CCRN designation. This will be accomplished by implementing a certification class for interested nurses on the unit. Success of this certification class will aide in improving the level of nursing knowledge on the unit, also increasing NDNQI scores and help in maintaining our Magnet designation as a hospital.

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