
Gd Vs High School Diploma Essay

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High school diploma vs. G.E.D
The common educational path for an american student is to pass elementary school, jr. high, and high school. Putting the student around the age of eighteen upon graduation and receiving their high school diploma. However, due to life challenges or family obligations not all students complete this path. That student has the opportunity to take the G.E.D, also know as the general educational development, allowing them to receive a certificate stating they are at a high school education level. The G.E.D and the high school diploma have similar worth and criteria, but their time required to complete, age requirement to take the test, and the use after high school sets them distinctly apart.
The G.E.D was originally created to help veterans coming home from World War two, to return back to civilian life. The G.E.D is a test that measures proficiency in the four main subjects: science, mathematics, social studies, reading and writing. A person is eligible to take the G.E.D test if they meet three criteria. First, a person cannot have graduated from an accredited high school or received a high school equivalency certificate or diploma. Second, the person cannot be currently enrolled in a regular high school. Lastly, individuals must be at least sixteen years old. The United States recognizes the G.E.D as a high school …show more content…

It is the minimum education required for federal jobs and higher education in the United States. To achieve a diploma a student must pass certain classes to graduate. They must also obtain at least twenty two units of credit by passing required courses and electives, and earn at least six verified credits by passing end-of-course SOL tests or other assessments approved by the Board of Education (cite). Examples of some classes students have to pass are personal finance, english, math, history, and

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