High school diploma vs. G.E.D
The common educational path for an american student is to pass elementary school, jr. high, and high school. Putting the student around the age of eighteen upon graduation and receiving their high school diploma. However, due to life challenges or family obligations not all students complete this path. That student has the opportunity to take the G.E.D, also know as the general educational development, allowing them to receive a certificate stating they are at a high school education level. The G.E.D and the high school diploma have similar worth and criteria, but their time required to complete, age requirement to take the test, and the use after high school sets them distinctly apart.
The G.E.D was originally created to help veterans coming home from World War two, to return back to civilian life. The G.E.D is a test that measures proficiency in the four main subjects: science, mathematics, social studies, reading and writing. A person is eligible to take the G.E.D test if they meet three criteria. First, a person cannot have graduated from an accredited high school or received a high school equivalency certificate or diploma. Second, the person cannot be currently enrolled in a regular high school. Lastly, individuals must be at least sixteen years old. The United States recognizes the G.E.D as a high school
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It is the minimum education required for federal jobs and higher education in the United States. To achieve a diploma a student must pass certain classes to graduate. They must also obtain at least twenty two units of credit by passing required courses and electives, and earn at least six verified credits by passing end-of-course SOL tests or other assessments approved by the Board of Education (cite). Examples of some classes students have to pass are personal finance, english, math, history, and
2.3 You need as much information as possible about the individual's communication needs to ensure that their wishes and needs are met. Talk to the individual, their family/carers, other professionals involved in their care. If aids are needed (hearing aids, picture cards, pen and paper) make sure that these are available. If language is a barrier maybe learning a few words of their language would help. If their needs change you need to adapt to the changes. Using the internet, reading books, Journals, reports and reviews are good way of obtaining information providing you know what you need.
Achieving a high school diploma is extremely important to me. With a high school diploma I can go to college and after wards get a really good job, I can’t be as successful in life as I want to be without my diploma. I wouldn’t be able to make as much as money as I want to or travel the world without any education. I cannot be a independent woman like I always wanted to be So that’s why I have to work really hard to get my high school diploma so I can go far in life This will also set a good example for my younger brothers and sisters, I am the oldest in my family yes I won’t be the first to get my diploma my little sister actually got hers before me threw pen foster and I am following her steps cause I also want to do big things with my life.
American students attend primary and secondary school for a combined total of 12 to 14 years, depending on when they started. Standardized testing begins in some schools as early as the third grade. This continues on well into high school, with students taking an “exit exam” for every grade to move on to the next. These exams are one of the few ways to ensure that students have the basic math, English, and other skills they will need to enter either college or the workforce. Proponents argue that exit exams, when given earlier in a student's high school career, can be useful in identifying
Each state is sets a curriculum that each high school student must complete upon the curriculum. Upon the completing the curriculum each student is deemed each high school student ready for the next step in life whether that is college or the job force. Those that choose to get their GED have not completed the knowledge base that is set by the
Each year more and more states are requiring exit exams in order to receive a diploma. These forms of high-stakes tests seem to be more idealistic for schools across the U.S. as they begin to adopt and modify them. Exit exams have brought about many lawsuits throughout the country though, since they deny students who fail a high school diploma. Many say that the exams are not impartial and that they discriminate against English language learners, minority students, special education students, and economically disadvantaged students. All-in-all the exit exams do serve a more meaningful purpose than other forms of high-stakes tests.
Department of Education, 2013). Students are provided interventions and projects in the secondary level for testing, only if they pass three out of five tests and have completed course work, then the student will become eligible for graduation (U.S. Department of Education, et al., 2013). Students on the other hand are retained and fails to meet mastery are labeled as over-age learners (U.S. Department of Education, et al., 2013).
An exit examination is a test that students must pass to receive a diploma and graduate from high school in the United States. These are usually criterion referenced tests which were implemented as part of a comprehensive standards based education reform program which sets into place new standards intended to increase the learning of all students. When any test is directly tied to significant consequences, such as determining whether the student may receive a high school diploma, it is called a high stakes test. Many organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics oppose high stakes tests in general, with the NCTM saying that "placing too much emphasis on a single test or on testing can undermine the quality of education and jeopardize equality of
I am a girl who grew up with low income. Along with that my parents are both deaf alone with my big sister I watch after who has down syndrome. My father is no longer in my life so it’s my responsibility to take care of them. This isn’t a sob story about how awful my life sounds but how much I embrace it. Without my responsibilities I would have never grown to handle so many things I have accomplished. I was able to take college courses at Normandale Community College for free through Post Secondary Education Option (PSEO). I will also become my sister’s legal guardian this early summer. I work two jobs and try really hard to make sure I’m doing well in my classes along with making sure my family is okay. Why I am saying all this is because I feel like I
I studied for about 4 and a half months for this test. It required a great amount of self-discipline and intelligence. Despite the ignorant stigma surrounding the GED or high school equivalency diplomas, a lot of people who opt for this diploma are people like me. They are normal people, some of which
As we go on in life we face many challenges and new situations that we deal with. A new situation that most people deal with is college and all the changes that come along with it. What many people don't realize is that high school, in many ways, is similar and differrent from college. Not only are people changing but the surroundings and work change as well. There are some things that seem to never change such as some work and people.
The transition from high school to college is not only an exciting and challenging time, but also a great milestone in one’s life. There are several differences between the lives of high school and college students. Some individuals will be able to jump right in and adjust to this change seamlessly, while others may take years to adapt, or never even grab hold of the whole college experience at all. High school and College are both educational grounds for a student to grow and enrich their lives with knowledge. Both are like puzzle pieces: on one side they fit together, but on the other side they are something completely
Tests are not overly demanding, none of the tests achieve reviewed in this study present unreasonable expectations for high school graduates. It is perfectly reasonable for states to require students to pass these exams to earn a high school diploma, the questions on these exams reflect material that most students study by early in their high school careers. In math, the tests place a heavier emphasis on pre algebra and basic geometry and measurement concepts more than concepts associated with Algebra I and high school geometry. In English, the exams are a better measure of basic reading comprehension skills than the more advanced students will need to succeed in college. The “cut scores” required to pass the tests reflect modest expectations.
Why is it important to get my diploma, well that’s a good question? The best answer to that is to better myself, contribute to my family financially, and in hopes of empowering my children to do the same. All our lives we are programmed to go to school and learn and be the best that you can be. You start from kindergarten all the way to the twelfth grade even in college. This is to prepare for what life has in store for us. Wanting to achieve something of this nature gives us a sense of pride and dignity that just makes you feel good about yourself.
The Graduate Record Examinations: General Test (GRE) is an intelligence and general aptitude test created and administered by the nonprofit organization Educational Testing Service (ETS). The GRE is a result of a study on college education funded by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in the 1930s. It gained widespread use after World War I as a way for graduate program admissions boards to assess the intellectual ability of applicants that attended various higher education institutions (ETS, 2008a). Today, the GRE is
The assessment of education means it has very different views of all age groups. An elementary or middle schooler might say that education to them means learning their ABC's, numbers, basic school requirements, playing, and if you do not go to school you cannot be someone of importance when you grow up. To someone in high school would