
Geater Center Case Study

Decent Essays

One problem in the City of Anderson is there is nothing for teens to do. Older generations always brag and talk about how they always had things to do or places to go. If you are under the age of 18 nowadays, there's literally nothing to do besides play sports or get in trouble. We no longer have facilities for young adults to attend to have fun, for free. There are more children in the city doing illegal things than anything positive. We the people of Anderson community have to come together and solve this problem so the younger generations have fun and positive things to do. I always hear from the adults about how they had access into gyms around the city. They also had a big Boy & Girls Club that was open to the public, kids of all ages attended. What happened to these facilities? The only thing we have open to children now is the Geater Center. The Geater center is located downtown, kind of closer to the west side so the only kids who have access to go live close by. We should build more facilities all around town or turn the old school building into recreation centers for the kids. Doing this will more than likely get rid of the laziness in most kids. Kids nowadays lack the creativeness and the …show more content…

Young kids are doing more criminal acts than ever before. Children are now robbing, killing, and selling drugs at a high rate. This used to be a rare thing to see, but now it's second nature. We have to give these kids something positive to do and look forwards to. More facilities would most definitely help but also if we offered kids 15+ jobs in the summer this would give the kids some money and a chance to have fun. We should offer special activities or like summer camps for kids who make good grades in school and for the ones who don’t get in trouble with the law. This would give kids something positive to look forwards to instead of just trying to be like the rappers and movie

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