
Gen III Microplate Essay

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The GEN III Microplate was the latest generation test panel provides a standardized micro method using 94 biochemical(71 Carbon sources & 23Chemical Sensivity assays) tests to profile and identify a broad range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive The test panel provides a “Phenotypic Fingerprint” of the microorganism that can be used to identify it at the species level Biolog’s Microbial Identification Systems software (e.g. OmniLog® Data Collection) is used to identify the bacterium from its phenotypic pattern in the GEN III Microplate. Gram stain and other pre-tests are no longer needed. A simple, one minute setup protocol is used for each sample.

Figure3.8 Layout of assays in the Microplate (Retrieved from GEN III Technology Overview - Biolog, 2007)

A simple and straightforward procedure step:
1. Isolate a pure culture on agar media
2. Prepare inoculum at specified cell density
3. Inoculate the Biolog Microplate …show more content…

Culture Organism on Biolog Recommended Agar Media Isolate a pure culture on Biolog recommended agar media (BUG+B or Chocolate Agar) and incubate at 33°C. Some species may require special culture conditions, for example either lower or higher temperature (26° - 37°C.) or elevated. The cells must be freshly grown since many strains lose viability and metabolic vigor in stationary phase. The recommended incubation period for most organisms is 4-24 hours. Spore forming gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus and related genera) should be grown for less than 16hours to help minimize sporulation while on the agar medium.
Step 2. Prepare Test Inoculum Suspension Check the calibration of the turbidimeter periodically. Use an appropriate turbidity standard (85% T or 65% T) and operating properly. Then, use a cotton-tipped swab to pick up a 3 mm diameter area of cell growth from the surface of the agar plate. Grasp the swab at its tip and, holding the swab vertically, touch it to the cell growth. For fast growing bacteria, touch a single colony,

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