
Gender And Media Analysis

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The stereotyping of things is not only in evidence all around us today but is almost a necessity. When the average person is looking for clothes they have to find the section that will likely have the items that they are looking for. Men go to the men’s section, women to the women’s section, girls to the girl’s and boys to the boy’s. This stereotyping of gender is also found on TV and is displayed by the roles that men/boys and Women/girls occupy. One has to ask themselves why this is and where do these stereotypical ideas come from. The unfortunate truth is that it begins at birth and continues on through the informative years of children in today’s society.
When a person walks into the toy section of a store, (Wall-mart and Kmart were used …show more content…

The facial expressions of the male characters ranged from neutral to a growl or grimace while the girl figures were almost always smiling. Tarisha also noticed that the baby toys seemed to be more unisex than gender specific.
Television plays a large role in the education of the children of today. In an article published in November of 2013 by Lily Rothman she references a study done by Nickelodeon that shows that children 9 and under spend an estimated 35 hours a week watching TV. (This does not include computer and other media devices) ( with this much time being spent in front of the Television the influence it has on children must be extensive.
In this assignment we are targeting cartoons specifically and the cartoons viewed were: Yu Gi Oh, Mickey Mouse Play House, and Pirates of Dark Water. In each of these cartoons gender roles were defined by the actions performed, the dress, and the roles occupied by the …show more content…

The target age group of all the cartoons was the 1-7 range and they aired, respectfully, at the same time (between 10 and 12 am). The dress of the characters was also gender specific the girls were all wearing clothing styles or colors that immediately identified them as male or female.
Hannah commented that in the cartoon Yu Gi Oh they left no doubt that it was the male characters that would have to save the world because the female characters were not portrayed as having enough intensity. Hannah also noted that the commercials aired during this cartoon portrayed other cartoons of a like nature.
On Mickey Mouse’s Play House De Jane was impressed with the subject matter of the show and with the commercial breaks. The lessons being taught children watching the show were of a positive and educational nature and even the commercials were of an informative

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