
Gender-Based Conflict In Galotti's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s five act play Emilia Galotti premiered on March 8th, 1772. Almost 250 years later, it is still celebrated as one of the best “bürgerliches Trauerspiels” ever to be written. In order for a piece of literature to stay relevant for such a long time, its message has to resonate over many generations. For example, Romeo and Juliet is still an important work, because it deals with a concept that is not going away anytime soon, forbidden love. In the case of Emilia Galotti, gender-based conflict in a patriarchal society is the ageless theme that continues to engage modern audiences.
In one of the very first scenes of the play, the prince meets with his royal artist, Conti, to review a portrait of his favorite mistress, Gräfin Orsina, that he ordered. As the prince carefully examines the portrait, he praises Conti for his fine work, however he admits that he no longer admires Gräfin Orsina’s looks. For instance, the prince points out “den …show more content…

In this scene, Gräfin Orsina has recently arrived at the prince’s castle and is being stalled by Marinelli, because the prince is busy with Emilia. As Marinelli attempts to appease Orsina, she begins to uncover the nefarious plot that murdered Graf Appiani so that the prince could have Emilia for himself. Marinelli clearly gets bested by Orsina over the course of the argument, but nonetheless quips, “Lauter Bewunderung! – Und wem ist es nicht bekannt, gnädige Gräfin, daß Sie eine Philosophin sind” (III, 4)? So, instead of admitting defeat to a female, Marinelli chooses to belittle Orsina. It is important to note that in the eighteenth century, philosophy was considered a noble, intellectual profession that females could certainly never pursue based on their perceived mental inferiority. So, once more, gender-based conflict comes to the forefront as males refuse to accept females as their equal ability

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