Gender differences between men and women
Gender difference can be expressed in many ways. In our daily life, there are many phenomenon can be explained by gender difference. For example, man always like to pay attention to political news, but women focus on gossip news; Women like shopping very much but men never want to go shopping; for the same thing men and women will make different evaluations. These entire phenomenons are because of gender difference. How the gender difference show? Where is the gender differences mainly reflect? In this paper I’m going to make a careful study of gender difference between man and woman.
From a biological point of view, humanity comprises two sexes, men and women. It is determined by a person’s sexual anatomy, chromosomes, and hormones. It’s inborn, the moment we have been born, we are judged as male or female according to the physiological characteristics. But gender difference is based on the concept of gender, which refers to socially defined differences between men and women. In the society, we are treated different because of different sex; we accept different education, grow up in different culture and so on. Then men and women will have many differences that are gender difference. Gender differences can reflect in different aspects, such as physiological, social behavior, communication, etc. I’m going to explore that gender difference are mainly reflected in what areas of life in this paper.
Since the beginning of time there has been a distinct division between the sexes. Through sheer definition there is a physical difference between the two but as time has passed there has been an indisputable recognition of the differences in personality and cognition. There are also undeniable differences in the life experiences had by the two sexes that
He argues in the book that the human mind makes a difference between men and women, but they cannot be judged because of their genders and mental and physical abilities. Thought the thoughts of males and females are entirely different because of internal biological differences society and culture play a part in the standards these genders should conform to fit in. Socialization to gender roles impacts the shaping of the male and female minds in society, and this Pinker did not emphasize. Gender is defined as the socially constructed behavior, roles, attributes and activities that our societies consider appropriate for women and men. The development process that shapes the mind begins in life early and heightens during adolescence stage for instance; researchers discovered that gender expectation negatively influences psychosocial development of girls. Thus inferring the fact that men and females cannot be judged by their mental and physical abilities is true but minus the influence of influences of cultural and religious biases the male and females mind would not be that different.
Gender is one of the most prominent features of a human being and not enough people pay attention to the development of such delicate trait. Our gender contributes a lot to our daily lives. Whether we are shopping or talking to somebody, people act differently based on your gender. Penelope Eckert and Sally McConnell-Ginet wrote just about this peculiarity in their article “Learning to be Gendered”. Penelope Eckert’s and Sally McConnell-Ginet’s article exposes some things that define a boy as a boy and a girl as a girl.
“Sex Differences” is an essay written by a professor of linguistics named Ronald Macaulay. In the essay, he pointed out that there were no gender differences regarding to language development. He talked about various stereotypes about how men and women speak. He also explains in depth about how social environment made an impact on the talking between men and women. He also concluded that those linguists who still believe in that theory only continue to do so even if what they found in their research is not statistically significant. In many ways, Macaulay’s essay is persuasive. Through this essay, one would agree with him that there is no different form of language in which women and men speak.
Sex and gender play a big part in american society today and are often misconstrued. These two topics have become progressive as people are starting to express their gender and sexuality in ways other than what is and has been considered the norm. Many people believe that sexuality and gender are synonymous with one another. Gender is socially constructed while sex is biologically determined. In society’s past, Americans often strayed away from discussing controversial topics, but with the rise of different ways of addressing people, it is deemed more important to understand. Along with the blurred lines of gender and sex comes sexuality, who someone is attracted to sexually. When people stray from society’s heteronormative mindset, they are often faced with many more challenges than the average hetero man or woman. People often have the preconceived notion that if something does not concern them, then they should not be involved in it. A person who could be your neighbor, co worker, or even child, may have to deal with the troubles of people confusing their gender identity with their sex. While also facing challenges that deal with the sex of the person they choose to love. Learning the difference between gender and sexuality will open the eyes of many people and see how the two are different but relate to one another very much.
Sex is defined as “the average, reliable, biological differences between males and females” (Auleb 1). One biological difference between males and females is in external genitalia: males have penises whereas females have vaginas. Sexuality refers to one 's sexual orientation, sexual behaviors, and capacity for sexual feelings ( Someone who is not sexually attracted to anyone may identify themselves as asexual. And sexual identity is one 's conception of themselves in terms of to whom they are sexually and romantically attracted, if they experience sexual or romantic attraction at all ( Someone who is attracted to people regardless of gender may identify as bisexual, or as pansexual if they do not adhere to the belief that there are only two genders.
Gender is conducted between two people that interacts with each other which explains the difference between boys and girls, men and women, but it is a term that is used to show that men and women can be different as they have different biological characteristics. Gender contains a lot of fluid that does not depend on the person’s biological traits. Gender is also the way men and women reacts different including different behaviour when they are in public compared to what their personal life behaviours are like (What the is gender, 2016).
In her paper on the biological differences in cognition between men and women, Doreen Kimura suggests that the social differences between genders arose out of biological necessity (Kimura 46). Even so, it is difficult to argue that social factors do play a large part in gender in society today. A closer look at both biological and social perspectives will reveal more about the processes that determine gender roles.
Gender is a sociological factor which is a set of relationships, attributes, roles, beliefs and attitudes of human. On the other hand, sexuality can be referred into two traits. First is Biological; second is Physiological. Biological trait is about the difference of sex organs, the production of estrogen or testosterone. Physiological trait is about the difference of facial features, size of bones, shoulders, muscles, fatty issues. According to American Psychological Association, gender and sexuality impacts and is impacted by cultural, political, legal, and philosophical aspects of life. As popular culture is the culture of today, which is always based on universal activities, it is effortless to alter the mind of human so the concept of
Being a male or a female is the most important determinant of the person’s directions and interests in his/her life. To possess and exhibit the suitable gender characteristics is not an easy mission. The rules of this mission are either inherited or placed by the society. Even though no specific person organizes those rules, the society expects everyone to obey. Gender rules may be strict, and they may put the person under unfavorable pressure. Nevertheless, most people accept them, and maintain their gender characteristics involuntarily. Males and females differ in almost all characteristics. They are different in the way they express their feelings, and in the way they react in response to most situations. Gender differences can be
Looking at the differences between gender roles and social status from a sociological point of view and comparing them to the ways in which we see those differences in literary texts, we can fully understand how these standards are shown. According to Sociology, A Brief Introduction by Richard T. Schaefer, “Research shows that patterns of gender socialization are not homogeneous, but rather vary according to the social class to which a person belongs to” (Schaefer, 221) The differences of social status and gender roles in society can be shown differently in any kind of society. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Pauline Johnson’s A Red Girl’s Reasoning, the differences between social status and gender roles in each reading is clearly evident, but are different than each other. Hamlet and Charlie both show themselves as being the dominant male in each of their relationships, and Ophelia and Christie both do not really have a say in what their significant other wants to do. Christie changes the way women are viewed in the story and Ophelia cannot handle chaos and pressure.
The “male norm” is an important concept for understanding women’s history, gender history, and the history of sexuality in classical Athens. Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe, explains the importance of studying women, as well as studying gender. Historians studying gender “note that what are usually described as the “biological” differences between men and women are themselves influenced by ideas about gender, with a single polarity (man/woman) so strong in western culture that individuals born with ambiguous genitalia are generally simply assigned to one category or another (Wiesner 3).” Within this view, it ultimately predisposes sex rather than the other way around, which means there is no such thing as true sex difference, only gender difference. Historians have also contemplated what gender itself means and about how past societies have intended their perceptions of what it means to be male or female. This allowed them to distinguish differences between physical sex differences or biological differences between men and women, and how gender has socially constructed differences. Studying the differences of gender allows us to understand the history of the “male norm” in classical Athens. Intersectionality is another important concept when studying the “male norm.” The oxford dictionary defined Intersectionality as the interconnected nature of social categorization such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating
Thesis: There are many differences between men and women, and they are divided into many parts: physical, mental, relationship, education and career.
There is much debate on the issue of personality differences between men and women, some believe that that men and women are vastly different, others only slightly and the rest firmly believe that we are no different from each other at all. A large quantity of research has been conducted in order to try to find this out. Firstly, it is imperative that gender and personality have a clear definition to prevent confusion. Gender is a psychological perception of masculinity and femininity and can be either seen as two extremes or a continuum. Personality is more difficult to define, for this essay we will be following the belief that it is stable but slightly flexible as this give space for a wider range of research and does not constrict the field in which we can research. Stereotypes also play a factor in the debate as some research has strengthened certain stereotypes and weakened others. Age also can have an impact on personality so will be mentioned slightly alongside gender roles and cultural aspects of personalities. The theories surrounding gender differences in personality will also be discussed and evaluated.
The inter-individual variability with gender and its connection to humor is probably one of the most discriminating topics to talk about. Since forever, men and women are like opposites. Even though men and women tend to get along with each other, it can clearly be see that there is a difference in the perception, production, and utilization of humor (Lambert & Ervin- Tripp, 1998). Most often our social structures are the areas that define the line between what men perceive to be funny as compared to women. As commonly assumed, there are basics such as our biological make-up and or genetic factors, but what defines the difference between sex and humor? (Aillaud & Piolat, 2012). The topics being explored in this paper will revolve around individual differences of gender, as well as, touching on sexist humor and rape and the effect it has on women.