
Gender Differences In A Military Non-Operational Environment

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This study responds to a deficiency of research on gender differences in the perception and application of ethical behaviour in a military non-operational environment (‘in barracks’). Its purposes are threefold: Firstly, to examine military personnel’s attitudes towards proper ethical conduct; secondly, to determine whether or not gender differences exist in the perception and application of ethical behaviour and thirdly, to provide a reference for future research.
The research approach is twofold: content analysis and survey research. Firstly, this study develops a multi-dimensional approach for the investigation of the ethical codes of military personnel, based on empirical data derived from historic Service Complaints. The purpose of the assessment is to determine whether or not there is a relationship between the perception of ethical behaviour and gender. And secondly, this research details an online survey of serving military personnel and their …show more content…

The British Army employs personnel from many different backgrounds. During Basic Training, civilians are developed into soldiers and officers and all personnel are trained in the Army’s Values and Standards. Before any training takes place, it is inevitable that all individuals will perceive and apply ethical behaviour and decision-making in a different way as the Army’s uniformity has not been achieved at this stage. However, after successful completion of Basic Training and with further military experience, gender should not affect the perception and application of morals and principles in the workplace, namely the non-operational military environment (‘in barracks’), as all personnel irrespective of gender have met the same training objectives. This study, however, argues that a prominent gender difference can be identified in respect of the perception and application of

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