
Gender And Optical Illusions

Decent Essays

Introduction Paragraph

In my science fair project I tested whether gender matter in the way people see optical illusions. I tested this because it sounded fascinating, and also interesting. Optical Illusions now in day, it’s used in many ways. They can be used as a way to trick people, to learn about sensory perception, and to learn about how the brain perceives lighter values and dark values.

Research Summary

Optical illusions fool our brains by taking shortcuts, because the brain can’t take everything at once. Our brain is able to perceive lighter values more quickly than dark values. Our sense of light and dark becomes unreliable during this.

Cognitive Illusions have four different categories of illusions which are Distorting, ambiguous, …show more content…

Brain researches use optical illusions to learn about sensory perception; it helps to reveal how the human brain processes sensory information and it may help design computer systems that can perform valued human tasks.

Optical illusion can use color, light and patterns create images that can be misleading to our brains. Optical illusions trick our brains into seeing things that may not be real.

Optical illusions are believed to be possible because our brains are good at recognizing patterns and familiar objects; therefore our brains make an image from different pieces, causing us into seeing things that aren’t there.

The human eye has a blind spot that humans are not aware of.

How and why optical illusions trick into seeing things that are not there.

Optical illusions teaches about human's visual perception, and its limitations.

Testable Question

Does gender influence the view in optical illusions?


If different pictures of optical illusions are shown to boys and girls, then the different responses will explain that gender does not affect what is seen in optical illusion images, because the brain cannot take everything at …show more content…

Other people were not at school because they were sick, which caused me to find other people to do it instead of the ones I had planned to do it with. Also, sometimes the place I was going to use had people in it, which caused me to look for another place and sometimes to postpone. And I learned that putting 5 people in a room is not the best way to do the optical illusions, because some people talk to each other even though they are not allowed to. If I did this experiment again, I would fix every single difficulty I had in this

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