
Gender Equality And Its Effects On Women 's Rights

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For almost three decades Afghanistan has been the setting of ruthless wars. The Soviet occupation and the Taliban takeover has not only gridlocked country socially, it has also caused it to regress. Prior to the occupation of these treacherous groups, Afghanistan had a relatively liberal outlook, with a hopeful progression of women’s rights. More specifically; “Afghan women made up 50% of government workers, 70% of school teachers, and 40% of doctors in Kabul.” In recent years the public life of women has been completely effaced due to the effects of war and the Taliban regime. They are isolated, confined to their homes and masked with an all-encompassing burqa; prisoners in a country they call their “home”. In the country one calls …show more content…

The UN’s goal was to eradicate gender inequality in primary and secondary education, hopefully by 2005. By 2015 the aim was extinction of discrimination at all levels of education. The United Nations says, “the world has achieved equality in primary education between girls and boys, but few countries have achieved that target at all levels of education.” This is slightly fabricated, as there is not enough evidence for this point to be substantiated. According to the CIA World Factbook, only 21% of Afghan girls complete primary school, while 55% of Afghan boys complete primary school. 34% more boys complete primary school than girls, therefore the world has not achieved equality in primary education. The equality of genders is crucial. This goal is vital to the eradication of poverty and consequently the most imperative out of all the millennium goals. All women deserve the right to equality, and a good place to start is Afghanistan.
Compare the eight-millennium goals to a body. The heart is the epicenter for everything else that goes on in the body. Millennium Development Goal number three is the heart of this body. It is critical to the survival of the additional seven goals provided by the United Nations. The eradication of extreme poverty and hunger is impossible to attain without the equality of the sexes. If gender equality were achieved in its full capacity the economic world

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