Gender is a range of characteristics that are used to differentiate among male and female with each other which is seen to distinguish between male and female entities, extending from one 's biological sex to, in humans, one 's social role or gender end entity. The World health organization (WHO), for example, uses "gender" to refer to "the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women". Finally, the same word, gender, is also, commonly applied to the independent concept of distinctive word categories in certain languages. Grammatical gender has little or nothing to do with differences between men and women (Wikipedia, 2009) .
1.2 Gender Behaviour
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Men use talk to emphasize status whereas women use it to create connection. But here’s the kick, women speak and hear a language of connection and intimacy; men speak and hear a language of status and independence. So, for many men, conversations are primarily a means to preserve independence and maintain status in a hierarchical social order. For many women, conversations are negotiations for closeness in which people try to seek and give confirmation and support.
Women is often considered as weaker sex:
Sociologists and psychologists have studied the problems of working women in depth. According to them, self doubt and concern about meeting other people’s expectations must continually lower in the thoughts and actions of women at work.
Dissimilar Occupations:
Choice of occupation is considered to be one of the key factors contributing to the male female wage differential. In other words, careers with a majority of female employees tend to pay less than careers that employ a majority of males.
Discriminatory Statistics :
In the workplace is unintentional discrimination based on the presumed probability that a worker will or will not remain with the company for a long period of time. Specific to women, since employers believe that women are more likely to drop out of the labour force
In 2013, this department store has been celebrating being in business for 110 years. It also once lured its customers in with its famous discount pricing strategy and coupons. The retailer is J.C. Penney, a fixture at shopping malls across the country. In 2012, J.C. Penney rebranded itself by making the announcement that it wanted to become America 's favorite store by creating a specialty department store experience (JCP, 2013). Founder James Cash Penney began the company with a Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated Fair and Square (JCP, n.d.).
According to Metz (2011), women are being deprived of opportunities and being squeezed out of organisations due to preconceptions about their dedication to a long term role, based on outdated gender stereotypes. In general, women experience higher rates of harassment at work, compared to men(McLaughlin, Uggen and Blackstone 2012).
The Texas population consists of people with a variety of different cultural and racial background. The Texas population seems to be very young with an approximate 27.3 percent of the population being under the age of 18, and about 11.5 percent being over the age of 65 (U.S. Census Bureau, “Texas.”). Factors that increase the Texas population include higher birthrates, lower death rates, as well as immigration from other countries and states. The population is changing from a primarily white population as recorded during the 1990s to a projected primarily Latino population by 2050. However, Latinos were not a considered a separate ethnic group until the 1990s but were counted to the white population which consisted of European whites and the Latinos. The African- American population decreased from over 20 percent during the 1850s to below 20 percent population as of 2015. Asian- Americans are considered the smallest population in Texas at 4.5 percent (The Asian Population,” 2010 Census Briefs). Due to the changing economy and
In the article “HE SAID, SHE SAID. “Mine’s Higher” vs. “We’re the Same”, Deborah Tannen explains that men and women have different conversation styles. Although conversation styles of men and women are not quite same, but the ultimate goal of communication for both men and women always stays the same, to connect with others and to be more powerful. Men like talking while focusing on hierarchy, on the contrary, women like talking topics that can reinforce the relationship. The author states that verbal communication is similar to rituals, and differences of rituals can cause misinterpretations and behavior changes.
What is gender? According to the American Psychology Association (APA), Gender refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex (APA.ORG). Unfortunately, many people tend to think that
There are jobs that are consider to be predominately occupied by women and some that are predominately worked by men, which of course is how some employees try to justify the difference in wages. The occupation with the widest gap in earnings is “personal financial advisers,’ with a gender earnings ratio of just 61.3 percent. (The Gender Wage Gap by Occupation 2014 and by Race and Ethnicity)
Argument/Conclusion: Gender is a social construction or a process in which human beings are brought up to believe that only two genders (male or female) were normal and that based on your sex you are classified to a specific gender.
Gender is defined as the state of being male or female. In most instances, this state is determined based on the biology of an individual’s genitalia. Those born
Gender is a learned social construction on what you do. It is a cultural system based on the binary opposition of men and women but there are also variations
From "You just don't understand: Women and men in conversation", Deborah Tannen shows the gender differences in conversation. The main idea is that women value relationship and empathy within a group, while men are struggling to raise their status and class. According to Deborah Tannen, this affects how they think and speak. Generally, men talk more in a public situation, while women talk more in private settings. Most women tend to use rapport talk for conversation, "a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships," whereas most men tend to use report talk, "a way of preserving independence and maintain status in hierarchical social order"(Deborah Tannen, You just don't understand: Women and men in conversation) There are different understandings between gender about what conversation is for. To him, talk is information, which is used to inform what he needs to know or what he wants other to know. To her, however, talk is for interaction, a way to show involvement, whereas listening is a way of caring. Therefore, in public events, men are more comfortable to claim attention with this understanding of talking.
Experience, age and personal factors in addition to workplace inequalities can influence a salary (WGEA, 2017b). The 2016 analysis by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), found that healthcare, retail and education sectors were highly dominated by females, and mining, utility services and construction were undertaken dominantly by men (WGEA, 2017c).
The Sun Salutation will stretch key muscles around the body, improves flexibility, as well as having a massage and toning effect.
In the reading "What is Gender Science?" We see how bigger occupations like engineering, mathematics, and technology have a bigger pay gap and how they are a more male-dominated occupation. Pay is not the only inequality found in these types of occupations, status is another inequality that has been found. In "What is Gender Science?" It talks about the principle of "separate but equal" and how it is normally not like that at all. More times than not it ends up being "separate but unequal". We see this split happen in occupations that are one gender dominated, but it happens more when it is a male-dominated occupation. Sadly this is not the first type of separation that women experience when it comes to making big decisions like choosing an occupation. We talked about this in lecture and it was also in the reading. Gender stereotypes hold a rather big hold on men and women when it comes to choosing the type of major you have in college and what job you would like to get once you graduate college. Men are normally gendered to get a higher position, whereas women tend to normally work for the men. We see this many times like how men are doctors and women are nurses or men are lawyers and women are secretaries. Overall, the pay gap has many factors such as the status and what occupation you are in. Men and women are also gendered a certain way and have been pushed a different way than the other has
The term ‘gender’ was coined by John Money in 1955: “Gender is used to signify all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself/herself as having the status of a boy or man, girl or woman, respectively” (Coleman and Money, 1991, 13). In
Gender, as defined by the United Nations, includes the psychological, social, cultural, and behavioral characteristics associated with being female or male. It further defines acceptable and allowable behavior in for both men and women in a broad cultural sense (United Nations, 2016). Gender identity impacts our development and how we interact with society. Our daily life decisions are impacted by our gender role beliefs.