
Gender Reflection

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When I was born, the gender I was identified as by my parents was female because of my sex. However, after taking this Gender and Women’s Study class I’ve learned that gender is something that can be chosen. I identify as a female because of the social institutions I grew up with including my race, class, sexuality, culture, and beliefs. A person’s sex and gender are two different things. Sex is determined by a person’s chromosomes and gender is a binary social category determined by our sex. One’s gender determines how they should dress, behave, and the roles they’re expected to perform based on whether they are male or female. As Alice Dreger explains, “…our system has been based typically on the idea that a particular kind of anatomy comes with a particular identity,” but we’ve learned this isn’t true. As humans, we tend to categorize people into classifications based on gender, race, sexual orientation, sexuality, economic class, education and more. However, when a person doesn’t simply fit into a category, we automatically see this as abnormal and this is why the idea of binaries is so prominent. This is also where gender roles derive from, for example, a woman is expected to cook and clean the house while a man is expected to make money to support his family. These stereotypes further support the idea of heteronormativity, or the belief that being heterosexual and only two genders existing is the only thing that’s normal. Heteronormativity creates a system which normalizes behaviors and societal expectation that are attached to the strict belief of heterosexuality and gender binary being standard for everyone. Just as Peggy Orenstein explains, there’s a threat of “potential exclusion” when one doesn’t follow the gender norm’s known to society. However, in this class we’ve learned this definitely isn’t the case and this idea can be harmful for those who don’t fit into this social norm. My nuclear family has influenced the gender I identify with. Since I was born, my mother and father have dressed me in dresses and bows, making it obvious I was a little girl. When I was younger, my mother and father follow certain gender roles that I’ve always noticed growing up. My mother went to work

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