
Gender Stereotypes: The Growing Up Of Gender Roles

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When a person is born, they are either male or female. Before they are born, their parents are going to set goals and expectations for them. Sometimes parents will name their child after a famous celebrity hoping they will be just as great as them. Each gender will have different ways they should live their life in order to stay within their gender role. Some will meet the expectations and other will not. That does not make them look less of their gender, they will just be expected to meet them. Over the years, some gender roles have submerged and others have risen above. They will be able to show how the gender roles are supposed to be in jobs, education, and marriage and also how they can benefit from stepping out of the gender roles. Growing up, genders learn right from wrong and how they are supposed to act as their specific gender. Boys, are usually taught how to be aggressive but gentle. Playing video games, wrestling and riding four-wheelers is okay for them to do. They were taught not to be mean to girls, wear pink or to express their sadness. Being a boy was not that hard to manage, for girls it was a little harder. Girls, are usually taught how to be compassionate and elegant. They helped around the kitchen, played with Barbie’s and played dress up. They were taught not to do anything a boy would do. If either were to step out of their gender role they would be looked down upon and would be reminded of how they should be acting. In today’s society that is still a

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