
Gender Roles In Paleolithic Society

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During Paleolithic times, men and women were equal. Both genders contributed equal amounts in society, the economy, and decisions. It was only until the rise of agriculture things started to change. In the first agricultural societies, men began to contribute more to the economy. As these societies grew into civilizations, there was a continuing rise of male power. They had more control over religion, politics, the economy, and the home. With economic, political, and social developments, a patriarchy arose putting men over women. (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations) Neolithic men’s economic importance grew. They did the largest amount of agricultural work, and manufactured most goods. This led to males being favored for agricultural jobs. For the first time there were certain roles for each gender. Societies needed more people to help farm and keep up with the disease rates, “This meant women spent more of their lives bearing and caring for children” (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations). With women taking care of children, men took jobs in all sorts of areas, all of which in turn put men at a higher status than women. To put in another …show more content…

There were many invasions during this time around the world, so most areas had a military-like organization built. These defenses were created and run by men, “Agricultural societies… organized more formal military forces, which gave new emphasis to male power” (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations). In addition, males took on political and religious leadership roles. This led to a higher appreciation of the male. Religions had male creators. Examples being Greek and Middle Eastern groups. As well as the Jewish faith, because of their singular male god, led to an even larger rise of male importance. According to historians, “Laws and social habits soon followed suit” (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural

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