
Gender Roles In The Dispossessed

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In Ursula K. Le Guin’s utopian novel The Dispossessed, gender roles are one of the main theme in the novel. The author uses two planets, Anarres and Urras to represent the different form of society, to understand gender roles. In Urras, which is an Earth like world, women are treated as if owned by men. However, in Anarres, a person’s sex is irrelevant to the society, therefore there was an equality of gender. Le Guin’s purpose for this was to make her audience subconsciously think about how society view gender roles by uses the affinity of a visitor, shevek to an Earth-like world to illustrate the disunity of the Earth-like customs. By comparing the two twin planets, Le Guin uses gender role in the novel to critique our society by using

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