
Gender Roles In The Mormon Religion

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Women have been oppressed in many religions such as, Catholic, Christianity, and Muslim. Women are viewed as less than men. They are not allowed to express themselves or have control over their own life. In the Catholic religion they believe women should not be allowed to have abortions. They are saying that Women should not have control over their body. In these religions there is no gender equality being practiced. There are some religions that have enhanced the activities in Women. The Mormon women in Utah were the first to vote in 1870, but it was later revoked by congress in 1887 (Women’s Suffrage). The Mormon Religion has enhanced the activities of women because they both genders equally.
Mormons are one of the few religions that do …show more content…

It is believe that god created gender and both genders have a different role in life. Women are viewed as the producer in life and men are going to be the provider and protector of the family. Women will stay at home and raise the children. In the Mormon document, The Family: A Proclamation to the World states, “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love...” this shows that both gender have a role in the family and are both viewed as equally. In some religions the woman and male roles are split. In the Mormon religion gender roles are applied but they have to part take in raising the children. The woman does have more contact with the children when they are stay at home mother. it The difference of the two is that women are not able to become a priest. Very few religions have women in position of power. In the catholic religion Mother Teresa has been one of the women who has some sorts of influence, but she was not a priest. Most religions is mostly dominated by men in the positions of power. Yes, they are set with gender roles but they are not oppressed to express themselves or not let women make their own

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