
Gender Roles In Things Fall Apart

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Chinua Achebe depicts in his novel, Things Fall Apart, the roles of women in a traditional Igbo Society are what one in a traditional English society might call, degrading. The women have various jobs that are disparate to the types of jobs that then men have, along with different jobs, women also have a different place on the social pyramid than the men. These differences create an entire antagonistic world for each gender. In the Igbo Community, women were expected to carry out various roles in their daily lives such as making themselves- and their husband- meals, washing clothes, housekeeping, bearing and raising children (although the child theoretically belonged to the father), and weeding certain crops. These tasks were unlike any that …show more content…

The first instance is shown in a brutal encounter between Okonkwo and one of his wives (Ekwefi) : ¨He pressed the trigger and there was a loud bang accompanied by the wail of his wives and children.” (39). Although the gun had malfunctioned, sparing his wife, Okonkwo had intended to assert his masculinity and dominance over what he considered the weaker gender. Later, the attempted murder of Ekwefi is made to seem insignificant as a stranger asks if it is true that Okonkwo nearly killed Ekwefi, Ekwefi responds simply: “It is true indeed” (48) showing how the women in the Igbo society are used to abusive treatment. This abusive treatment has continued into the 20th century as an African Journal of Reproductive Health study reports: “78.8% of the women have ever been battered by their male counterparts” (Bioline). The beating of women lowers their place in society, leading women to perform jobs that were unsuitable for men. Anthony writes his research of gender relations in the Igbo nation: “Igbo men regarded Merchandise as women‟s occupation.” (Okonkwo 14). The role of women in the Igbo culture is distinctly inferior to men as shown by the jobs that women are obliged to perform, along with the abusive actions that wives are forced to

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