
Gender Roles Of Women And Men Essay

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Through many generations women were not treated equally as men. Women have fought their way to have gender equality but it has been slowly progressing. More women are starting to have high ranked jobs, more have been going into the workforce and don’t have to stay home all day long to take care of the kids. There are many differences between the gender roles (how women and men act or how they should be) when it comes to certain things. Like if you tell a girl, she hits like a boy or tell a boy that he hits like a girl, it shows how both young men and women could be or are affected from different types of gender stereotypes. It might change their viewpoint on gender in the near future or as they are growing up. There are lots of gender stereotypes that exist in the world today and that is why it is so influential to the changes of communication in the workplace.
Why it is an important area to study: It is an important area to study this topic because to see how gender equality or inequality can affect or how it influences the changes communications in the workplace. Showing that both genders have the same amount of education or job experiences in the workforce, there should be always a type of equality in the workforce and the employees should not be criticized based off their gender or genetic makeup. It is also good for a company or corporation to have different gender roles in the workforce. Having that stability of gender roles in the workplace is a good model

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