
General Pediatrician Tools

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General Pediatrician (29-1065.00) Tools Used. Pediatricians need to be knowledgeable with the tools they use so they can properly assist their patients. Tools involve parts to protect the physician, equipment to diagnose the patients, and tools to treat the patient. During exams the pediatrician may need to prevent the spreading of germs so they use masks and gloves. Also during the examinations, they may need to use equipment according to the procedure. When doing a checkup, they can examine the eyes vision with eyecharts, use scales (to measure weight), use auditory screening units (to test hearing), and check the heart with a stethoscope. Depending on the patient’s diagnosis, the pediatrician must find a solution to care for the patient. The tools involved in recovery could be suture needles, suture removers, or a tourniquet when dealing with deep cuts or wounds. As apposed in a surgical procedure which could …show more content…

Knowledge. Pediatricians use a variety of tools. Some tools are dealing with advanced technology, others involve educational skills, and another involves interpersonal skills. Pediatricians have to be knowledgeable in computers and electronics, as they will use computer hardware and software to keep track of their patient’s information. When it comes to an academic perspective, pediatricians must meet a high level of education. Pediatricians go through a significant amount of training. They are educated in the highest levels of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and even Psychology. Also, an important factor here in the United States, majority of the population speaks English, therefore it is a must that pediatricians are knowledgeable in the English Language. They not only have to know how to speak English fluently, but they also have to be literate in the language. Therefore, knowing how to use punctuation and grammar. In socialization, pediatricians have to

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