
General Theoristics

Decent Essays

General characterristics – The material MCP-4275-PV represents the right ramus of a hemimandible of about 500mm length, which is divided in two parts due a median fracture of taphonomic process. It is noticed that the material was folded over the preservation process, which the anterior part reached out the posterior part causing the break. The hemimandible features the lower anterior portion to the rear with respectively 33mm and 102mm roughly. The glenoid cavity lay beyond the dorsal limit of the dentary bone, suggesting a decreasing anteroposterior height pattern. It features a side compression in the fullest extent. There is a damage in the posterior end, where is positioned the post-glenoid area (PGA), and in the anterior end, where lay …show more content…

However, it is not possible to claim the exact size of the symphysis since the anterior end is breakn. Are present in this view the dentary, splenial, post-splenial, angular, prearticular, anterior and middle coronoid. It is noted an anterior Mackelian foramen where lay the post-splenial. Despite the damages, is noted that this foramen have an anterior bone declivity, which the anatomy feature a foramen and not a simple opening for breaking. MCP-4275-PV shows a well-developed posterior Mackelian foramen, with length greater than its height, representing about ¼ of the hemimandible size, but with length shorter than the adductor cavity. This foramen is located close to the ventral base of the hemimandible, which the center laying anteriorly to the adductor cavity edge. The anterior and middle coronoid do not have any type of dentition, but the posterior coronoid cannot be identified since there is an injury in this region. The prearticular can be seen in lingual view. Is impossible identify the ventral suture of the prearticular and angular, however, the dorsal portion of the prearticular surround the lingual edge of the adductor cavity and lingual edge of the glenoid cavity . Its height is not reaching the dorsal portion of the hemimandible, just reaching about 1/3 of the height. This bone shows a breakn in the postero-ventral portion and is damaged a lot in the posterodorsal region, and is …show more content…

The teeth tip are rounded and conic, they are anteroposteriorly flattened, typical of more derived temnospondyl (Damiani 1999; Warren & Davey 19992). All the teeth shows similar morphology, none the less, vary in size, which anterior teeth are larger and more robust than posterior teeth. According to Damiani (2001), in capitosaurs, generally, there is a reduction in teeth size in both symphiseal and posterior mandible portion. In MCP-4275-PV is notable the posterior size teeth reduction, while the symphiseal teeth is not visible. The teeth are seen in lingual view mainly, where the teeth bases lay behind of the dorsal extremity of dentary labial

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