
General Theory Of Crime And Delinquency

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General Theory of Crime and Delinquency Many theories exist including biological, psychological, and sociological theories that have been proposed by many criminologists in the criminal justice field and have been closely studied by people (Agnew, Cullen, & Wilcox, 2004). Most theories are proposed at the micro level meaning it tries to explain the criminal behavior of individuals and some are proposed at the macro level which tries to explain the crime rates in social groups, meaning micro focuses on individuals and macro focuses on groups (Agnew et al., 2004). When something gets integrated it means something is being mixed together and may form one idea when those items get put together. Messner heavily discusses integrated theories which he describes as being theories that are integrated or mixed to formulate relationships that list different variables from different theories (Krohn, Liska, & Messner, 1989). The integrated theory seeks to describe the relationships between different theories and integrating them into one by gathering all the facts and information from several theories with different strategies being used to integrate theories. (Krohn et al., 1989).
General theory of crime and delinquency focuses on how certain risk factors have an effect on crime, answers why criminals offend, describes how crime occurs when constraints are low and when motivation from crime is high and how certain life domains have reciprocal effects. One of the most leading

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