Epilepsy is an increasingly common brain disorder caused by abnormal electrical activity in various parts of the brain. It can result in intermittent episodes of convulsions, unconsciousness and sensory disturbance, among other symptoms (Epilepsy Action Australia, 2016).
The nervous system functions by using a combination of chemical and electrical processes to control voluntary (somatic) and involuntary (autonomic) movement. This is achieved through the transmission of signals via specialised cells called neurones and nerves, as shown in Figure 1 (livescience, 2016). In the brain, ion channels exist that allow a steady current to pass through by firing regularly. In the event of a seizure, ion channels that have been genetically damaged
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How Neurons Work (Tesch, 2016).
Epilepsy has been categorised into two separate groups based on where the abnormal electrical activity occurs in the brain, as well as the symptoms of the seizure. These are:
Generalised epilepsy:
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy (genetic causes)
Symptomatic Generalised Epilepsy (cause unknown)
(American Family Physician, 2001)
Partial epilepsy:
Idiopathic Partial Epilepsy (genetic causes)
Symptomatic Partial Epilepsy (cause unknown)
(WebMD, 2014)
The most common type of epilepsy found in children is idiopathic generalised epilepsy and idiopathic partial epilepsy.
The type of seizure can depend on the portion of the brain where the misfiring neuron is present. For example, if only a specific area of the brain is involved, it is known as a partial seizure. This can result in:
• Stiffening
• Automatic hand movements
• Hallucinations
• Sweating
• Goose bumps
Generalized seizures occur when a larger area of the brain is affected, often resulting in:
• Unconsciousness
• Uncontrolled movement
• Loss of bladder control
• Confusion once consciousness
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There exist three various forms of the original cannabis plant; marijuana, hash oil and hashish. Marijuana is made using dried leaves and flowers from the actual plant (ncpic, 2015). The main active ingredient in cannabis, the psychoactive agent, is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabidiol (CBD), also a component of marijuana, is thought to not produce the commonly associated feeling of a ‘high’ and can be beneficial when treating childhood epilepsy and various other conditions. The effect that marijuana has on the central nervous system (CNS) is broad and varied, depending on the location of the CB receptors found within the brain, as can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2. Effects of Marijuana on the Different Parts of the Central Nervous System (TeensHealth, 2013).
The combination of cannabinoid receptors and cannabinoids form the endocannabinoid system. This particular system is found in several areas of the brain, justifying why marijuana can have such varied effects. As the drug is ingested by your body, the influx of cannabinoids in marijuana causes a change in the balance in the endocannabinoid system (Scholastic, 2016). The natural chemicals are overwhelmed and prevented from functioning properly, thus causing:
• Altered senses (seeing brighter colours, etc.)
• Changes in the
Any type of injury related to your brain could cause you to have an epilectic seizure. These could include lack of oxygen during delivery of a baby, injury to the head at any age, injury to the brain caused by stroke.
People uneducated about Epilepsy may have confused thoughts on what it really is. People have these "notions," which are partly or entirely not true. So, throughout this research paper, these notions will be proven untrue, mostly by factual information given by
Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which clusters of nerve cells also called neurons inside the brain signal unusually or in which case the brains neurological pattern also called the electrical pattern is disrupted. Neurons inside the brain usually generate electrochemical impulses that communicate with other neurons. In Epilepsy, the usual pattern of neurological activity becomes distorted, causing odd sensations such as behavioral and emotional, muscle spasms, sometimes convulsions and loss of consciousness can occur. Seizure disorders originate from a pathogenic process, head trauma, metabolic processes, exogenous or endogenous poisons, and a simple fever. Seizures may be a result from an exposure to many types of poisons such as lead and carbon monoxide but it can also
Chapter III: The Science of Cannabis: Nature and Effects Before we start studying in detail the effects of Cannabis on human nervous system, we need to understand a few details about the Endocannabinoid system. The effects of Cannabis are due to the fact that there are receptors in our brain which allow certain active molecules found in Cannabis to bind to those sites. These receivers are called Cannabinoid receptors and the many different cells and tissues which allow Cannabinoids to bind to them are responsible for the diversity and varied physiological results of marijuana consumption. This process of binding of cannabis compounds to the receptors found in our brain is depicted in the structural representation given below : Ever since Drs.
Epilepsy is due to an upset in brain chemistry, which means that the messages that travel between nerve cells or neurons become scrambled. Because of this, the activity of neurons is disturbed and results in a seizure or loss of consciousness. Many types of seizure can occur and epilepsy can affect anyone at any age.
A seizure is a disruption of the electrical activity between neurons in the brain. The resulting chemical changes can lead to a surge of electrical activity causing a seizure. Aside from trauma to the brain due to injury, or
Seizures or epilepsy are brain disorders where the person has repeated convulsions over a period of time. They’re episodes of disturbed brain activity that cause changes in attention and behavior. Seizures are considered the most common observed neurological dysfunction in children. They are very sudden intermittent episodes of altered consciousness lasting seconds to minutes and include involuntary tonic (stiffening of muscles) and clonic (altering contraction and relaxation of muscles) movements.
When a receptor receives information, it causes changes in the nerve cell. The chemical in marijuana that has a big impact on the brain is called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is the main active chemical in marijuana. Scientists recently discovered that some areas in the brain have a lot of THC receptors, while other have very few or none. These clues are helping researchers figure out exactly how THC works in the brain.
An underlying problem that disrupts the brain's electrical activity. These are called physiologic non-epileptic seizures.
Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which individuals have recurrent seizures. Seizures can occur in children and adults of any age. There are around 50 million people in the world who has the disorder. Individuals in developing countries are at a higher risk for developing the disorder. Seizures occur due to hyper-excitability and hyper-synchronization of neurons. Action potential transmits messages and it leads to depolarization. When neurons are uncontrollably depolarizes because of hyper-excitability due to too little inhibition, it cause a seizure. Seizures can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. As spontaneously they can develop is also as fast and spontaneous they can end.
Marijuana in the late 1960s’ had only one percent of tetrahydrocannabinol, compared to present day where Health Canada has discovered there is at least 10 percent of tetrahydrocannabinol and 30 percent in some cases. The tetrahydrocannabinol is a strong chemical and works immediately after one has inhaled it. Tetrahydrocannabinol mimics the neurotransmitter anandamide, which fills in the synapse between neurons and this disrupts the brain’s regular functions. In a normally functioning brain, anandamide activates the cannabinoid receptors but when smoking marijuana tetrahydrocannabinol activates these receptors which are in the hippocampus, cerebellum and basal ganglia. This affects the short-term memory, coordination, and learning and problem-solving skills for an individual. Brain development is also affected by the use of cannabis. Dr. Harold Kalant conducted a study in the 1980s’ with rats and cannabis use. He separated the rats into two groups; rats exposed to cannabis at adolescents and rats exposed to cannabis in adulthood. Kalant observed the rats exposed to cannabis as adolescents, had difficulty with memory and learning even after nine years of no exposure. In comparison, the rats who were adults when exposed to cannabis didn’t have long term effects. It is evident that brain development was disrupted by the use of cannabis in the growing years. Also, Dr. Andra Smith saw in her functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain activity of regular cannabis smokers and non-smokers, that the smokers had a more brain activity. She stated it was due to the brain having to work hard to “respond accurately”. It is obvious that brain function and development is harshly impacted by the use of
Many regions of the brain contain cannabinoid receptors, of which anandamide molecules, concerned with regulating mood, appetite and emotions, naturally bind to. Cannabis contains an active ingredient known as ‘delta-9-tetrahydrocannabonic’ (THC), and when smoked or eaten, the THC imitates the activity of anandamide by binding to cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells, and therefore influences
Epilepsy, also called seizure disorder, chronic brain disorder that briefly interrupts the normal electrical activity of the brain to cause seizures, characterized by a variety of symptoms including uncontrolled movements of the body, disorientation or confusion, sudden fear, or loss of consciousness. Epilepsy may result from a head injury, stroke, brain tumor, lead poisoning, genetic conditions, or severe infections like meningitis or encephalitis. In over 70 percent of cases no cause for epilepsy were identified. About 1 percent of the world population, or over 2 million people, are diagnosed with epilepsy.
Any type of brain disease can cause epilepsy; it also can develop as a result of brain damage from other disorders. For example, brain tumors, alcoholism, and Alzheimer's disease often cause epilepsy because they change the way brain usually works. Strokes, heart attacks, and other conditions that deprive the brain of oxygen also can sometimes cause epilepsy. Other more rare causes of epilepsy are prenatal injuries that come about from poor nutrition or maternal infections; poisoning by lead or carbon monoxide; or overdose of prescription antidepressants or street drugs. There are still many patients for whom the cause of their epilepsy cannot be identified (idiopathic epilepsy).
Epilepsy is a condition in which a person has two or more seizures affecting a variety of mental and physical functions. Epilepsy is one of the oldest conditions of the human race. Epilepsy Awareness is important because Epilepsy is a widely misunderstood disorder. The reason that Epilepsy has been misunderstood has been mainly due to research not being conducted until the middle of the nineteenth century. There are six main types of seizures and many treatments that can assist an epileptic patient. Many facts and myths exist about a person who has Epilepsy, which, is why it is an important disorder to understand. A person living with Epilepsy can typically have a normal life after seeking medical advice from doctors.