Azat Abdyrakhmanov
Comparative Analysis Paper
Patricia Silvestro
Date due: 04/07/11
Many people believe that previous generation of Americans was completely different than the generation that lives now days. Ideology and interests have completely changed. For instance, we all know that previous generation cared a lot for peace in the world, human rights and equality of mankind. Martin Luther King, John. F. Kennedy and Malcolm X are people who fought for equality among people and most famous representatives of Generation X. But compared to the previous generation, my generation is completely different, and many people are having a debate whether it’s good or bad. Thomas Friedman in his essay “Generation Q”
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It’s for all these reasons why the author calls them “Generation Q” - the Quite Americans. Moreover, Friedman tries to analyze and understand why current generation is so quiet and why they are quietly pursuing their idealism. In his opinion, more and more people of Generation Q spend time online, hiding behind computer screens and trying not to be social. There are no big and old crusades like back in days. Instead of going to Washington D.C. and be against the Iraq war, the generation Q writes comments in Internet, as a result, spends more and more time online. The writer believes that generation Q must be doing itself a favor, and America a favor, if it demanded answers and results from candidates to many issues the “Greediest Generation” is leaving them, specifically, huge budget deficit, climate change and Social Security reform. And the author concludes the essay by saying that Generation Q does not have enough courage to handle all those problems the previous generation is leaving them. A week after the release of “Generation Q”, Rob Fishman, Cornell University graduate, shares his opinion on Generation Q. In his essay, “Generation of Generation Q” Fishman underlines the fact that our generation is complacent and there are excuses for it (73). Technology had had a distinctively effect by encouraging us to look inward. In sports, for example, technology had had
While personal stories and historical references played a major role in developing her message, Kamenetz also uses rhetorical questions in the excerpt. She questioned why “everything America has always its children no longer holds true” (Kamenetz 732) and how things would turn out if people of the generation “does worse than our parents” (Kamenetz 733). The questions allow the reader to think about her claims and accusations as they progress through the excerpt. She addresses a young adult audience who are experiencing the same problems, and accuses the older generation as the source of the problem as a means to allow readers to recognize the reality of the situation.
Along with the progression of society, major advances have been made in hundreds of different fields — particularly technology. Controversy has risen, and debates ensued over whether today's young Americans are really “the dumbest generation,” due to their “money, media, e-gadgets, and career plans” [Source A]. While advances have been made, they have brought with them resources to benefit off of, and ultimately assist in the overall intellect and intelligence of the human race.
Robert J. Samuelson, columnist for The Washington Post, in his article “Generational warfare, anyone?”(November 29th) rallies young americans to resent their current economic situation. Samuelson supports his claim by providing empirical evidence from recent Pew Research Center explicates the rising levels of people living with their parents, then by abstracting Scott Keeters notes juxtapositioning them with our modern day situation. His attempt to assemble the youth of the american workforce by informing them of their modern day struggles. Samuelson's uses erudite diction that appeals to the Washington Post’s audience of university graduates. The friction between the boomers and our current youth has thrown our economy back into the 1930’s.
1.1 Explain why working in partnership with others is important for children and young people
In the article “The Greatest Generation: The Great Depression and the American South,” Jeffrey DeRoven analyzes the economic struggles of the American South during the Great Depression in order to figure out why some people refer to people from that time period as the “greatest generation.” Below, this paper overviews DeRoven’s thesis, purpose, stance, audience, usage of literary techniques as well as logos, pathos and ethos, logical fallacies, and ultimately concludes with an opinion suggesting that DeRoven’s analysis is mostly sound and useful, but limited in proving his thesis.
There are currently six living generations in the United States, each with different characteristics, beliefs, and values. The things that define each generation’s culture are derived from their history, upbringing, and the lifestyle of their time. Our generation was born between 1980 and 2000. We are called Millennials. More specifically, we grew up in the South, which typically lends itself to being more conservative and religious. These characteristics, along with our instant gratification attitude, define who we are, what we believe, and how we view other generations. For example, we might have differing views with the Silent Generation. Some Millennials may feel the Silent Generation’s social, religious, and economic conservatism is outdated.
The plight of the stolen generation affected the whole indigenous culture. Based on evidence, the Stolen Generation was traumatising for the children, due to them being taken from family and forced to live a completely different way. Also, due to the government forcing them to live differently, their old tradition ways would be forgotten. A policy called assimilation was introduced by the government, which resulted in children being traumatized from being separated from family.
When most people hear the label Generation –X they think of a hopeless generation of youth that have given into the pressures of the world. I would like you to think of the X as the Greek symbol for “Chi” which is used as a symbol for Christ. In this decade the youth involved in the Christianity has grown significantly. Youth are responding to the church in ways that the past generation did not. Where mom and dad embraced the tumultuous sixties their children have taken hold of Christianity. The youth organizations that promote the Protestant doctrine have seen the youth membership grow by 50% since 1990. Catholic Churches have witnessed their youth involvement double in the last decade. The youth are coming from all
The upcoming generation, millennials, are a new type of generation. They have proven to be the most educated generation, despite the hard times in the economy. Yet they still face criticism from their elders on their work ethic. Although they seem to all be lazy and not interested in working, not all millennials are like that. They just have different values in life, and balance work life with free time. Millennials have faced a lot of criticism on their work ethic, which has many questioning do millennials have a strong work ethic. They are said to be lazy narcissistic tech addicts, who don’t take any job seriously and slack off. What most don’t know is that the economy hasn’t been in the greatest of shape, this makes work ethic hard to
Millennials, a group of people who were born in the year 1984 and after. There are millions of them and they are our future. According to Simon Sinek, millennials “are accused of being entitled and narcissistic, self interested, unfocused and lazy.” Even though Millennials lack in some aspects, he believes that parenting, technology, impatience and environment is to blame. As a millennial, I totally agree with Sinek’s point because I am affected by all the variables that he listed ever since birth. Millennials did not do anything wrong but, the way they were raised affected their attitudes.
Did you know that you are considered part of the first generation symbolizing the decline of the nation? Generations are labeled all the time by historians, novelists and journalist in an attempt to capture the spirit or essence of an era. But the term Generation X carries all the negativity of propaganda and stereotype.
This week in class the focus has been on generational poverty. There are a lot of key factors that lead to poverty. Poverty does not exist because people want it to. Poverty is a way of life for those who don’t know another way and feel that they don’t have a way out. Every day in society people turn their heads or frown up their nose at people who they see living in poverty because they think they are better than them and will not lift a hand to help them out. The big question is why do we do this? In most cases, the poverty line or clash of the classes are based on wealth and there is certainly a variation in the wealth among the population. But classism exists from the beginning of education to death.
How many times have you felt that your parents don't understand you, that they have no respect for you as an individual? How often do you shake your head in frustration and blame it on the 'generation gap'? Parents! They are like aliens from another planet altogether! You and they are in different camps; strangers forced to live under the same roof Right? Wrong! There is a way of bridging what appears to be a yawning chasm. If you genuinely want to improve your relationship with your parents (and give them a big shock in the bargain!) try listening to them, treating them just like you would listen to a valued friend. Instead of always whining, 'You don't understand me", stop and think. Do we ever try and understand
Unimaginable. A group of boys who set out to escape World War II cling on for dear life so tomorrow won’t slip away. They fight to live another day in the hope of being rescued. Terrified. The group of boys develop fears that tear away at their relationships and sanity. Impossible. A group of technology ridden, social media obsessed, lazy teenagers, could never be self sufficient. Unprepared. A world where falling short is the equivalent of destruction would be a first for the technology ridden, lazy teenagers. Lost cause. Generation Z, incapable of success or prosperity. Everyone is the same and everyone is bound to disappoint. Every single person perfectly fits into societies labels and definitions of themselves. Generation