
Generative Observation

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In my study I found that students had the most opportunity for generative discourse during the hands-on portion of the investigation. I attribute this increased engagement to:
• Fast-paced nature of the investigation
• Physical movement
• Roles
During the actual investigation where students run three trials and have their hands physically touching the materials, the students were more engaged than during the writing portions of the investigation. From my study, my findings show that increased engagement led to more opportunity for students to have generative conversations. My findings also show that it can be natural for students to have generative discourse during hands-on activities, but it was difficult for students to sustain generative …show more content…

In this transcript, the students were working together during their investigation. At this point in the investigation, the students are running their first three trials and are filling out the data table for their Designing and Investigation Worksheet. The students were told to take a role during the investigation so that every person had a part in the investigation. During this investigation, Dyzia was the timer, Teagan was the recorder, Preston was holding the ramp and Marian was releasing the cart. This transcript provides an example of a generative conversation that occurred during the hands on investigation. This lesson helped me better understand what it was about the hands-on portion of the investigation that creates opportunity for students to have generative discourse. In this lesson, all four group members participated in the generative conversation. I saw that Preston was originally trying to sit back and not take part in his role until I came over and asked him what he was doing. Preston was a low-status student and I saw that he was trying to sit back during the investigation. During the hands-on investigation for this lesson, the lines between the students’ status were blurred and low-status and high-status students had equal contribution. During this portion of the investigation, the group worked together to …show more content…

This transcript also provides evidence for my findings that during groupwork, certain types of generative discourse lead to other types of generative discourse. This evidence helped me better understand what it was about the hands-on portion of the investigation that creates opportunity for students to have generative discourse. In this transcript, the students were working together and were about to start their investigation. During this transcription, the students discussed a few things about the investigation that were different then the prior investigation. As with Learning Segment 1, all four of the group members participated in the generative conversation during the hands-on portion of the investigation. Through careful analysis of the video and field notes, I saw that all four of the group members were making an attempt to participate in this conversation. This conversation contained exploratory talk. The discourse builds as each student participates in the conversation. The discourse was critical and the students get into some exploratory conversation around how the investigation relates to Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion. When Dyzia asks how the investigation relates to Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, the conversation became more critical. This question extended the conversation because it asked for

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