The true cause of anxiety has yet to be discovered and it is necessary to know what causes people to have this disorder. This article describes what occurs genetically when a child is being conceived. It expresses how “genes make the right proteins at the right time” (What causes anxiety? 4). This means that when a child is being created, each parent’s genes are being combined. “But if the genes get it wrong, they can alter your biology in a way that results in your mood becoming unstable. This biological tendency toward anxiety man be latent for years until an exceptionally stressful event triggers its expression” (What causes anxiety? 4). Anxiety is already a very depressing and life altering condition and some individuals have to cope with
Alternatively Hadley (1995) puts forward the view that contrary to popular belief, anxiety actually arises out of thoughts of potential danger and not the actual danger that produces the symptoms of anxiety. In support of this view the document by Chrysalis states that “feelings of anxiety come from apprehension or fear, the source of which is not always recognisable”. Feeling anxious at certain times in our life is a normal instinctual response that serves as a protection to aid survival. It teaches us to avoid dangerous situations and in this way is a learning process however the subconscious can sometimes work overtime resulting in response to all situations that feel remotely similar to the one that has made us feel anxious in the first instance (Chrysalis 2010 1-5 pp7). This document describes how anxiety will affect our whole being, our emotions, our behaviour and our physical health. Anxiety becomes a problem when its level rises above normal and interfere with a person’s life, associated physical symptoms include, trembling, tense muscles, churning stomach, nausea, diarrhoea, headache, heart palpitations, pins and needles, sweating or flushing (Chrysalis 2010 1-5 pp7). These feelings coupled with the physical symptoms experienced make a person want
First of all, there are many causes of anxiety. Anxiety may be caused by a mental condition, a physical condition, the effects of drugs, or a combination of these. Some common external causes are stress at work, school, in a relationship, from an emotional trauma, from a serious mental illness, from financial stress, and from taking drugs
It is researched that anxiety begins to transform itself during the early stages of infancy and childhood, in which children develop attachments- and these attachments can be a prelude to possible future anxiety disorders. It is reported that there is a 40% chance that anxiety disorders can be passed down generations. Also, it is proven that low levels of serotonin in the brain are the cause for anxiety
Anxiety has been around for many years due to stress levels being too high or events that have happened in the past, but does anyone realize that it is a serious thing and can hurt someone mentally? While researching different academic articles about anxiety and other types of mental illness. I found a few academic journals who describe other people’s lives with anxiety and other mental illnesses. Mary Shelly author of her famous book “Frankenstein” is about Victor Frankenstein who created a monster and got very ill when he saw the beast breathe. Later, he started to neglect the beast and the monster started killing Victor’s loved ones because Victor abandoned the monster. I chose to write about mental illnesses and anxiety because. Victor Frankenstein suffers from a mental illness known as anxiety caused by the monster and events caused by him.
Everyone experiences some form of anxiety within their life. Anxiety is highly individualized; meaning that each person who experiences
A way to direct the topic of anxiety is to look into the theories behind different peoples emotions and also reactions. Anxiety can occur in an individual because distress and fear take action. It could be as simple as being afraid of insects or heights, or it could a larger scale, like due self consciousness with physical appearance or body weight. Reading an individuals anxiety can be hard to comprehend and as an individual who understands psychology we all know that we should deal with anyone who suffers from a heavy load of anxiety in a gingerly manor. Many people go about hiding their anxiety, or express in it an unhealthy habits. Psychologist try and work with through counseling to shorten stress and dissect the situation thats causing
What makes the anxiety vary from fear is that it is not focused on a specific event or object, and the person is not aware of the cause of unpleasant emotions. Depressing feeling, mood state, helplessness, hopelessness, followed by feelings of guilt, sadness, inadequacy is also affective reactions. Similarly anxiety that is experienced as a feeling of fear, but without an objective danger, depression is most easily be understood as a feeling of sadness, grief, for no apparent reason.
This she felt was the childhood feeling of being alone, isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world. According to Horney, basic anxiety results not from sexual or aggressive conflicts but from disturbances in the child’s relationship with his or her parents. Things such as rejection, punishment, the breakdown of trust and overprotection can all lead to excessive anxiety, according to Horney. Being raised with trust, love, warmth and tolerance minimizes this.
The anxiety disorder I shall explain is known as Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). As the name suggests, obsessive compulsive disorder is characterised by obsessions and compulsions. There are two explanations for this disorder; psychological and biological. The biological explanation of OCD focuses on genetics .i.e. role of certain chemical imbalances and family increasing likelihood of developing OCD. Family studies have shown that people with a first-degree relative with OCD have a five times greater risk than the normal population of developing the disorder. In a meta-analysis of twin studies, Billett et al found that compared to
Anxiety is known to be caused by excess emotions and it can lead to trauma. Emotion is hard to be described despite the fact that it is a worldwide language to the human race. It does not matter how mysterious emotions appear, people are trying hard to understand them in order to live happy and satisfying lives. People have always thought emotions are instinctual which a great oversight is. Others belief they have no control over emotions. However, emotions are judgments and are determined by individuals.
Everyone with any mental health disorder always wonders if linkage of genetics is part of the disorder they have. People have said that risk of genetics being a factor in anxiety disorders is less likely to be a switch more than a problematic mix of genetics that can put a person at risk. Researchers have said that anxiety disorders can be due to hostile childhood experiences. Efforts to identify the specific DNA mutations to the heritability of anxiety disorders establish any independent, suspicious loci, but any genetic study for anxiety faces some obstacles also. The fine line between healthy and pathological anxiety is unclear, and the phenotypic and genetic barriers between scientific anxiety disorders
We live in a stressful world and anxiety is a natural response to this. However,
Anxiety is a feeling of numerous of things, whether its danger or a sense of threat and even butterfly’s when becoming nervous. In Fact, anxiety disorder was discovered in the 1980s by the American Psychiatric Association. In my opinion, everybody has had a moment of anxiety, it’s a major part of life. Due to the fact, that life has a lot to do with social interaction and based on human characteristics. Many people with this disorder, feels the need to act upon something. Anxiety, helps the mind get ready or be prepared in certain situations. On the other hand, some people experience panic, fear and even nightmares. This happens when the thoughts in the mind become over whelming. This illness can also just run in the family as a genetic trait. In fact, I think anxiety is most common in women. Especially, women that are pregnant, with all the stress and feeling judged by becoming bloated with the baby and fluids. Some even go through the depression stage after the baby. At the same time, when a baby is born, some babies are frightened easy or their nerves become very
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps some one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important speech. In general, it helps some one cope. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling disorder.
Next let us look at the psychodynamic explanation of generalized anxiety disorder. “Causes of” (2001) states the psychodynamic theory as defining anxiety as an alerting mechanism in response to unconscious motivations clashing with the constraints of the conscious mind. Benavidez (2009) states some children are more prone to generalized anxiety disorder because they are overrun by neurotic and/or moral anxiety.