
Genesis 1-11 Analysis

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After reading Genesis chapters 1-11 I think that the dominate impression of God was that he was a creator. The entire first chapter of Genesis describes how God had created the entire world. While I was reading this first chapter I had noticed that God had created humankind in his image, but humankind was the last thing God had created. God had developed a fantastic world from mostly darkness into a beautiful world full of life (Gen 1:1-2). This is a perfect example of how God is a creator because he was able to take nothing and generate a fantastic world. I believe that the author’s aim when they had written Genesis was to show how God is a creator, there are many examples in the stories of Genesis that support this aim. After God had created …show more content…

In the beginning God had taken the earth which had nothing but darkness and he had created many things in order to give it light. The second chapter of Genesis God was able to create life such as animals, humankind, and vegetation. Although God had created destruction in the story of Noah’s ark, he still had created something. My dominant impression of God after reading Genesis is that God is a creator. I think he had produced all of these wonderful, and he had done all of this from scratch. Even though God had created the destruction which had killed the flesh on the earth, I don’t think he was creating destruction just for the sake of crating chaos. I think he had the right intentions when he had flooded the earth He had noticed that the earth was corrupted and was becoming violent. I think God just wanted to make the world good like he had intended from the very beginning of Genesis. I think that the fact that God took this earth, which had nothing on it, and was able to create all of these extraordinary things is truly breath

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