
Genesis 16 Essay

Decent Essays

Genesis 16 tells the story leading up to the birth of Ishmael. The story consists of two main parts. The conflicts between the three characters, Abram, Sarai, and Hagar, make up the first part of the story. The second part consists of the discussion between Hagar and God. Abram and his wife, Sarai, have had difficulty producing a child. Therefore, Sarai offers Hagar, her Egyptian slave-girl, to Abram. Eventually Hagar becomes pregnant. Upon this realization, Hagar begins to look with contempt, towards Sarai. Sarai goes to Abram for some advice on how to deal with Hagar. Abram pushes the matter off his hands by telling Sarai that she has power over Hagar and to deal with her own slave girl. Consequently, Sarai treats Hagar harshly, which causes Hagar to flee. God finally makes an appearance in the story. An angel of the Lord finds Hagar and tells her to go back to her mistress and to submit. God makes a promise to Hagar that she will have a large number of offspring, similarly to God’s promise to Abram. Finally, Hagar names God, El-roi, before returning to Sarai. God does not intervene or even show up until the second part of the story. Due to God’s absence in the beginning of the story, the reader may question what the …show more content…

Based on the social expectations during this time, the understanding is that the wife is to bear children. Children were ultimately the purpose of marriage. Without children, a family cannot continue and whatever property the family owns would be lost. The view of women was that they are property and marriage arrangements had economic and political motives. Thus, if Sarai does not bear any children, then she is not holding up her responsibility within the marriage. It falls on Sarai to find someone to bear children for her to fulfill her side of the marriage. These social modules lead to the characters behaving the way they

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