
Genetic And Environmental Causes Of Autism Essay

Decent Essays

Autism is a group of different cognitive development disorders, in which cause a variety of problems in social aspects (Lai, Lombardo, & Baron-Cohen, 2014). Specifically, autism also includes having difficulty with social cognition, perception, and communication; executive dysfunction; abnormally limited behaviors and interests; and abnormal perceptual and information processing (Lai et al., 2014). Also, autism is caused by both genetic and environmental factors that affect a person within their early years of life.
The causes of autism include both genetic and environmental factors. One of the causes of autism is preterm birth, or early birth that occurs more than three weeks prior to the normal due date of a fetus, which can cause damage in brain development and lead to abnormal disorders, …show more content…

Also, complications during pregnancy, chemical exposure, and conditions affecting perinatal and neonatal health, such as rubella and measles, can cause autism (Lai et al., 2014).
The symptoms for autism include abnormal social interaction, such as abnormal eye gazing, non-present response to name, lacking imitation, non-present social smiling, reactivity, abnormal social interest, and lack of positive emotion (Ouss, Saint-georges, Robel, Bodeoau, Laznik et al., 2014). In addition, harmed language, problems with movement, lack of child play, and harmed cognitive development are also symptoms for autism (Ouss et al., 2014).
Furthermore, harmed development of joint attention, limited perceptual taking, lack of affective reciprocal behavior, harmed development of verbal and/or nonverbal communication, abnormal repetitive behavior, abnormal visuomotor exploration, difficulty diverting visual attention, and extreme diversions between many emotions are also included in the symptoms for autism (Lai et al.,

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