
Genetically And Genetically Modified Organisms

Decent Essays

GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms, were first brought to my attention in the ninth grade. I did not know that anything such as GMO’s had existed before that, but in my ninth grade biology class we had to watch Food, Inc. and take a health class. I remember being so upset by the poor animal conditions and the lack of labels on foods with genetic modifications. To play my own part in the issue, I started to eat more organic foods and looked for labels that were non-GMO. I also became a vegetarian to keep myself from eating poorly treated animals that were kept in very bad conditions before being slaughtered. Even now, I am extremely conscious of what I eat, and constantly trying to make sure that I avoid genetic modifications. This semester, I plan to research the rise of GMO’s in the American culture, the side effects of this issue, and the positive and negative impacts of having GMO’s in our food. This topic justifies a semester of sustained research because I not only am very passionate about what I am eating, but I, as well as many other Americans, that are daily impacted by this issue should be able to contribute to the ongoing controversy and conversation about the issue in the United States. Firstly, the rise of GMO’s in the American culture is an issue that once presented to me; I have always had interest in. I have often considered why people would not switch over to non GMO products and goods and why the government is more concerned with capital

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