
Genetically Modified Crops For The Health, The Environment, And The Food Security

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On Genetically Modified Crops Nowadays, most people assumed that the genetically modified (GM) technology is the greatest biotechnologies in agriculture. However, people are unawareness about the effect of genetically modified GM crops for the health, the environment, the society, the food safety, and the food security. There are many methods have been proposed to separates the genetically modified GM crops from non- GM crops by using the distance between the crops. However, the value of cross-pollination can be affected in many different factors such as the insects and the air which are natural elements. Furthermore, to solve these problems, this study suggests a hybrid method (FPSOSVR) that contains particle swarm optimization, fuzzy logic, and the support vector regression, for knowing the cross-pollination value of pollen recipient from the pollen source to shows the real solation of genetically modified GM and non-GM maize. (Lee et al., 2013) The European Union EU were still debating on the genetically modified crops (GM), which are based on the positions by the public, non-governmental organizations ( NGOs ), and industry. The farmers in this issue have lacking debate about whether the genetically modified GM crops will be crucial on the future of the technology in European agriculture. As a result of using Q methodology, which divided three groups, one are support the idea of genetically modified GM crops reliably, second are equal with knowing the

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