When the author says “ Genuine leadership is supportive, not coercive. He is saying that when you have great pure leadership you are supported by your peers. You would give them the passion to follow in your footsteps.When you have pure leadership, you are not yelling at anyone to march correctly. You are patient and kind, but also persistent at what you do.Yes, I agree that leaderships implies running at the head of the pack, not driving it from behind. You are leading not following.When the author says “ Arrogance, indeed, is in the first temptation of leadership”. He's talking about a person has an attitude of superiority. Being arrogant should not be the attitude of the leader, it affects their cadets. When the group is down the leader
Think of a time that you or a leader you know Challenged the Process. Describe what happened.
I believe my former manager was authentic in his effort to be a company man. He was for the organization and concerned mostly about building morale during a time that the Cuyahoga County was freezing pay raises and promotions. Morale was at a low point and as a result job performances suffered. Employees began to be okay with doing the minimum or what was required and nothing more. Our department meetings were bombarded with the “be glad you got a job theme,” and that got old very quickly. My manager tried to infuse in our meetings some humor and come up with ways to keep us engaged and interested, but in my opinion failed on all accounts to build morale. As a matter of fact, most people spent more time looking for jobs and writing
Abstract: There are numerous definitions of leadership, all of which contain elements related to people (the leader and the follower(s)), communicating in person or by the written word, actions (organizing, directing, coaching, and/or motivating), and for a purpose (meeting a goal(s) or accomplishing a task(s)) (ADP 6-22) (Fisher 2015) (Bolden 2013) (Hogan 2005). Additionally, everything done occurs within a given context. Effective leaders are poised, proficient, pertinent, and practical in the application of the art of leadership. This means leaders are ready to engage the group with effective methods and
Three weaknesses of authentic leadership are: lack of trust demonstrated from top to bottom and vice versa, a lack of development due to the infancy of this theory and the pursuit with passion can lead to a blind pursuit. Trust must be given in order to receive it, if managers are not being fully authentic with their employees, the trust and level of commitment expected will never be reciprocated. Although John usually displays this trust to his team, he is only human and at times, as with any other manager or person, people are not trustworthy. For example for years, Big Hospital has preached that everyone is a family, yet, due to certain circumstances, there had to be a lot of layoffs, and whether granted or not, this is looked as being deceitful or not being honest with your employees. The second weakness of authentic leadership can be related to its infancy and its lack of leadership development. Fusco, T. (2016, p.119) argues that the next challenging frontier is to establish genuine leadership development. Often times, leadership seems to simply fit someone’s personality, however, leaders must continue to read and develop oneself to become a better leader, either through experiences or personal training. Big Hospital provides continued training for all its employees, and although some may take it more than others, employees are often encouraged to take training classes. Lastly, the third weakness of this theory is that of a “blind pursuit” or following an idea with
I have held many leadership roles throughout my nursing career: Certified Nursing Assistant Team Leader, Nursing Supervisor, Unit Manager, Assistant Director of Nursing, and most recently I was promoted to the position of Director of Nursing. It has been quite a rewarding journey and I attribute my success as a leader to my ability to uphold a representation of a positive role model. I believe that good leadership comes from the heart. When a leader considers the hearts of others or empathizes with them; the leader is able to effectively sway people to action. Thus, I tend to inspire my team and myself to work together in solving problems or completing a work. I communicate effectively my goal to my team; with the awareness that my success
As the president of a company, I would promote honesty, respect, service, excellence, and integrity (Manning & Curtis, n.d.). All values are essential for a company to be successful, but these particular values mean more to me. These same values will also provide me with the guidance that I need to deal with people, products, prices, and profits.
Leadership as stated by Northhouse (2010), “is a process where an individual influences a group of people to achieve a common purpose.” A leader is responsible for coordination and integration of resources through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling to accomplish specific institutional goals and objectives (Huber, 2006). A leader’s action is influenced towards manipulating the environment, group, and achieving the institutional goals and their role is to ensure the institutional effectiveness and efficiency. Organizational culture however, is the shared values, beliefs, assumptions, and behavioral expectations that lead to decision-making (Christensen, 2006). According to Schneider (1975) as cited by Holloway (2012), Organizational climate is the formal and informal shared perceptions of organizational policies, procedures, and practices. Atkinson and Frechette (2009) further defines organizational climate as “set of measurable properties of the work environment, based on the collective perceptions of the people who work in the environment and demonstrated to influence their motivation and behavior”. Climate in CDSDP organization creates a collective unique identity, perception of the staffs that generates how task (things are done) and how to get the task done within the organization as influenced by the clear communication seen from the leaders to staffs.
He defines leadership as, “the ability to figure out what you believe and then summon the courage to appropriately act on those beliefs. These actions must be geared to adding value to an enterprise and making a positive impact on others” (143). His main emphasis in this chapter is how to use your talents, skills, and passions to achieve something great. The first step, he says, is to figure your convictions, or what you believe in, and to stick to those. He also says it is important to have an “ownership mind-set” (149), which means you help others even if it does not necessarily help you and act fairly. The last step for achieving something great is to identify your values and ethical boundaries. Overall, his main point is that you have to own your actions and decisions in order to be a great
The essence of this book relates to how human beings communicate with each other, and especially within the Christian community. Communication is the fundamental process by which people share information, integrate and remain connected. Christians relating to one another requires certain communication tools necessary to articulate and share information. According to Muelhoff & Lewis communicating ideas, values and beliefs, “through the study and practice of communication we accomplish crucial aspects in the life of the believer.” This process of communication is a systematic process, in which information for effective communication is important.
The world of healthcare, its delivery and services are forever evolving; and in the interim so is its infrastructure and workforce capacity (Klienman, 2003). Healthcare executives must be equipped with the proper skills in order to be effective leaders in the field. Dye and Garman (2006) highlight various critical competencies all healthcare executives should harness in order to be influential leaders in their present or future leadership role. Some competences may come natural to individuals, while others have to be developed and strengthened over time. Leaders are faced with challenges such as ethical dilemmas, budgetary cuts and organizational restructuring. Furthermore they are also responsible for sustaining employee morale, being a visionary and a role model within their respective agencies. However, the key to their success in being an effective leader is based upon a foundation of the ability to influence and an understanding of their ethical approach to decision-making (Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan & Switzler, 2013).
1. Learning about oneself is an essential step in becoming an authentic leader. What role did self-awareness play in Sally’s story of leadership?
In this reflective essay I will be sharing the results of two surveys that I took; one in chapter seven managing conflict, and one in chapter ten leadership. In this essay I will reflect back my outcomes of each survey, and how it pertains to my performance on team work. Share with you what my strengths and weaknesses are from doing the survey, and after finding new personal characteristic I will relate back to the chapter to spread insight.
Being nurse leaders, we have to be AAO x3 at all times. It takes a lot to be a successful leader. We are the eyes and ears for our patients. The elements of leadership; vision, communication skills, change, stewardship, and developing and renewing followers (Grossman & Valiga, 2013, p. 9). Positive leadership is the key to good patient satisfaction. When patients are happy with their care, nurse’s self-confidence and self-satisfaction are increased.
LEADING BY EXAMPLE I was always told that a leader should lead by example. I would like to share some of the examples of leadership I have observed from the AVI Management/Leadership Team over the past several years. - [ ] Leadership Example #1. If someone asks for information or action so they can complete a job and you just don't feel like doing it it's ok to ignore their first request.
it is being a leader who is ethical and who goes beyond self-interest to help the group. This questionnaire affects my own leadership because it tells me that I have the problem of being too laissez-faire when there are situations where I need to be more direct.