
George Brown Plagiarism Essay

Decent Essays

In Canada, copyright is strictly protected by law. Every year, college and university students write easy. Indeed, some students intentionally commit plagiarism, and, although some students do not want to commit plagiarism, they can be accused of plagiarism. Because, they may not clearly know the definition of plagiarism. Also, if the students who committed plagiarism did not know the penalties for plagiarism or they though schools could not know if their submission was plagiarized, probably, they would regret their behavior. Seneca and George Brown college policy have similar definitions of plagiarism, but different processes for verifying and penalties for plagiarism.

Actually, Seneca and George Brown have same definition of plagiarism. “What is plagiarism?” (2014) has it that definitions of plagiarism must be same in anywhere. Because of U.S law. Both school policies interpret plagiarism such as using someone else’s words, images, ideas, phrases, signatures or computation without originators’ agreements or recognitions. …show more content…

Seneca policy said that they compare students’ submissions and third party services. Third party service compares students’ submissions and other work submitted by students, when students submit their work (Academic Honesty Retrieved, 2016). But George Brown policy does not mention how to verify students’ submissions (Student code of conduct & discipline, 2015). Therefore, George Brown policy need to explain how to verify.

For these reasons, Seneca and George Brown honesty policies have a similarity and two difference about plagiarism. The definitions of plagiarism are similar in term of the forms of plagiarism, however, Seneca policy has more specific enforcing penalties and process for verifying than George Brown policy. Therefore, Seneca students can more realize seriousness of plagiarism and they may not try to commit plagiarism, if they know the

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