George W. Bush is a politician, business man, former governor of Texas and the 43th president of the United States. Bush won the Electoral College Vote in 2000. One of the closest and controversial elections in American history. On Tuesday September 11, 2001, the twin towers of New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. were crashed by four passenger planes that had been hijacked by a group of terrorist. Al Qaeda, a terrorist group from Afghanistan, was responsible for the attacks. The surprise attacks prompted Bush to take action. On September 20, 2001 he delivered the speech “After 9/11” that addressed the current events, the actions that were going to be taken, and what was expect from the people. Numerous terror incidents had been
With the approach of the year 2000, the Contested Presidential Election Between George W. Bush and Al Gore took place, with George W. Bush taking over the presidency. In 2003, following the attacks of 9/11, war was declared on Iraq which began the conflict that lasted many years and arguably is still going on today (with our presence in the Middle East). As president, president Bush plowed through a $1.3 trillion tax cut program, passed the No Child Left Behind Act, and also pushed for socially conservative efforts, such as the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and faith-based welfare initiatives. Almost eight million people immigrated to the United States between the year 2000 and 2005; practically half of them entered illegally.
How did George Bush’s war on terror effect terrorism as a whole. The year is 2001 on a beautiful September day in the early morning an event that would change the nation occured when four planes were hijacked on September 11th by the al qaeda terrorist group and were flown in to the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. They all succeeded in killing thousands of people along with multiple more attempted bombing during the late 90’s. By September 20th the president responded with a speech stating he declared an all out war on terror. From this point on Bush increased military spending, sent troops to Iraq and the gulf, and also gained the support of millions in his mission. I believe Bush did a great job and was successful on his war on terror. Bush also achieved varying amounts of success.
One of the most catastrophic events America has faced were the September eleventh terrorist attacks. Our nation faced one of the most damaging attacks in our history and it was up to our president, George W. Bush, to address the entire nation and assure everyone that America still remains a strong and functioning country. Our President George Bush was called upon to address the nation, a nation that was currently suffering from loss, fear, and despair. His goal was to persuade Americans to take comfort in the effort being put forth in resolving the aftermath of the attacks and the fear they caused. Recognizing his audience as being innocent victims of an unknown evil, President Bush ultimately had to present a speech that mastered various techniques
On September 11th 2001, the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out terrorist attacks against the United States. Two planes were flown into the World Trade Center twin towers. The third hit the Pentagon outside Washington, and the final plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people were killed as a result, and this tragic event defined the presidency of George W. Bush ( Staff). Shortly after the attacks, President Bush delivered a powerful speech that helped unify the American people, defy the terrorists, and call the citizens to action. In his 9/11 speech, President Bush successfully uses rhetorical devices to address the terrorism, unite people, and give hope to his audience.
On September 11th, 2001, tragedy struck America with the attacks on the Twin Towers and on the Pentagon. Not only did tens of thousands of New Yorkers see these atrocities firsthand but, millions of viewers watched in horror on the news; witnessing their nation under attack. Hundreds of terrified civilians ran from the carnage, however there were some who ran toward the collapsing buildings to save innocent lives. President George W. Bush stood with the fire fighters, the police and other first responders holding the flag of his nation and gave his address to the mourning citizens of the United States. He mainly used the strategies of ethos and pathos to try to comfort the American people and also have them rise and fight against the terror.
Former President George W. Bush’s speech, “Bullhorn”, was given through a megaphone on top the rumble of 220 floors of a horrific event. On the day of September 11, 2001, an Islamic group, called Al-Qaeda, hijacked four American passenger airliners to carry out suicide attacks against targets across the United States. The potential targets included: the twin towers, the Pentagon and the White House. Three of the four hijacked airliners accomplished their goal as the lives of 3,000 innocent civilians were taken. A cloud of grief and mourn covered the country as they experience the worst tragedy since 1941, the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Soon after the attack on September 14th, a ray of hope appeared as President Bush took the stage. Throughout his speech, three rhetorical devices were shown are: ethos, logos, and pathos. Bush used these three devices to connect with the audiences’ emotions, appeal to the audiences’ ethics, and appeal to the logical side of the audience additionally, all while creating a sufficient speech to the comfort the country.
President Bush, shares his view on the matter throughout this speech. Bush’s purpose is to try and help Americans not panic during such a terrifying situation that has changed American history. Since Bush understands what Americans or people in general the world must be feeling, he is able to address the matter in a calm and collected way. In “Bush’s 9/11 speech,” the author, President George Bush, uses various rhetorical devices to reinforce his position on the 9/11 attack.
September 11, 2001 was a tragic part of history for the United States of America. On September 11, four planes crashed down by hijackers at the Pentagon, the Twin Towers, and a Pennsylvania field. The Pentagon and World Trade Center were the primary buildings where the Al Qaeda wanted to attack. The White House was another target, however they never made it. Later that night, President George W. Bush gave a speech about 9/11 in the Oval Office. George W. Bush inspired America of their safety and security of his confident tone, religious beliefs,word choice.
On September 11, 2001, George W. Bush delivered his 9/11 Address to the Nation at 8:30 PM to all Americans. This speech, broadcasted throughout the nation from within the Oval Office just hours after the terrorist hijacking and the crash on the Twin Towers, reassured American citizens during a time of devastation and need of proper leadership. (Eidenmuller). Through rhetoric intended to convey strength and the actions America had already taken to combat this tragedy, Bush instilled hope in the American people and provided them with a sense of unification.
One of the most detrimental and traumatic events of United States history involves the terrorist attacks on the day of September 11th, in 2001. September 11th is a day countless Americans will never forget. Because our nation encountered such a horrific attack, it was up to our president during the time, President George W. Bush, to address the country. Many Americans suffered loss and fear; therefore, former President George Bush’s goal was to heal and comfort the nation by persuading them to see the light within the darkness. Bush’s speech was a success because he showed America’s togetherness and solidarity by creating an emotional connection to the audience; moreover, by responding appropriately to the attacks, he presented himself with a leadership and role no one else could take.
On September 11, 2001, George W. Bush gave a speech to the American citizens following the horrible and tragic terrorist attacks that had taken place. Bush’s purpose is to create unity among the nation and to build his presidential credibility. United States President, George W. Bush, in his speech, 9/11 Address to the Nation, emphasizes how everyone should move forward and remain strong after the tragic events. Bush appeals to the audience using pathos, logos, and ethos while adopting a grieving, yet hopeful tone in order to tranquilize the people of America.
In 2001, George W. Bush gave a speech to Congress after the terrorist attack on 9/11. Although I was 10 years old and unable to understand everything then, I am able to understand them now. And as an American citizen I stand by Bush wanting to keep America free and the world a safe place for all human’s to live in. Bush gave this speech on September 20, 2001. Nine days after America had been attacked by terrorists. Bush makes sure to thank many people, including all of America for pulling together and helping each other in this time of confusion and weakness. He then goes on to explain to American why we were attacked and who these terrorists were. They terrorists were al-Qaida, whose goal is to remake the world and impose their radical
On the morning of September 11th, 2001, four planes were hijacked in mid-flight. These planes were hijacked by multiple terrorists, who planned to conduct suicide attacks on America. Soon after the planes were hijacked, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, tragically killing everyone on the plane and killing hundreds on the floors of the World Trade Center. 1,402 deaths occurred in the North Tower, and 87 deaths occurred inside Flight 11 (the plane that crashed into the North Tower.) Immediately after the first attack, NYPD and FDNY forces dispatched units to the scene, and President George W. Bush was alerted. At the time, he was in a Florida elementary school, reading to children. As evacuation processes happened throughout the South Tower of the WTC, the second hijacked
The realisation of what exactly happened on that morning of September came less than a week after the attacks. Karlheinz Stockhausen suggests, just a few days after the attacks, that the events were the ‘greatest work of art that is possible in the whole cosmos’, made in the image, for the show. In the aftermath of 9/11, Hollywood canceled certain films containing the towers and reduced the level of violence, and ‘took a break’ from anything related to mass destruction. After five years since the attacks, Hollywood decided to vaguely resemble the experience of that day by creating films such as United 93 and World Trade Centre, but the Americans were not ready yet for it and described it as ‘too soon’. 9/11 was without a question a paradigm
In June of 1999, while still Governor of Texas, Bush announced his candidacy for President of the United States. In the final showdown, it was between Bush and Vice President Al Gore in one of the closest elections ever. After a third recount, Bush received 271 electoral votes to Gore’s 266 and became the 43rd President of the United States. However, he lost the popular vote by more than half a million votes. His fist initiative as President was the No Child Left Behind Act, which raised standards in schools and insisted on accountability in return for federal dollars. The most significant event during Bush’s reign came on September 11, 2001 when terrorists hijacked several planes and attacked American soil killing nearly 3,000 people. In response to the attack, Bush established the Department of Homeland Security and announced the “War on Terrorism” which still continues to this day. Bush focused his attention on Iraq, labeling them as part of an “axis of evil”. He proclaimed that they were in the possession of weapons of mass destruction and had to be stop. Eventually, they captured the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein but no weapons were discovered. In 2000 and again in 2004, Bush was named the Person of the Year by Time magazine.