
George Stinney's Case

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As a result, years later a lawyer from Clarendon county heard about the case of George Stinney. Even though he grew studied law in the area, he had never known about it. He thought it was unbelievable that the trial was not given due process. He convinced a judge to reopen the case and give George a fair trial. This case went to the supreme court where his case was heard and he was exonerated (Hutchins). During this era, the South was mainly filled with a white population, so African Americans were not thought of as equals. This view was carried out through the court system as well. For this reason, George Stinney’s conviction and execution was surrounded by racial injustice. The black population of Clarendon county never forgot about George Stinney’s case. On the other hand, the white population mostly never knew the case even existed (Hutchins). …show more content…

After George’s execution, organizations came about to help gain equality for African Americans Such as George Stinney. An example is Thurgood Marshal of the NAACP. Thurgood Marshall was the first african american supreme court justice and help defend African Americans in Brown V.S The Board of Education ( Editors). George’s case highlights how much the world has advanced in the past seventy years ago. Because of brave activists who came after George’s case, we may now live in a society made for all people no matter beliefs,culture, or race. His exoneration shows that our ideologies can change drastically and people can now be accepted no matter the color of their

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