
George W. Bush's Faith Based Initiative and the Separation of Church and State Clause

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George W. Bush's Faith Based Initiative and the Separation of Church and State Clause

Nowhere in the U.S constitution or any other official documents does it say that there must be strict “separation of church and state”. This clause was used by Jefferson in his letter to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut on January 1, 1802 (Truthwalk 1). After being revised six times by one of our founding fathers, James Madision, the first amendment now states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." (Parsons 40). Did the fore fathers intend the first amendment to keep religion out of government, or did they want to create a law that stated religion was a …show more content…

Other programs include childcare services, transportation services, job training and employment services, counseling services, and much more (Bush, George. W.). President Bush feels that the Faith based programs, those that are already having success in helping those in need individuals, will be able to do even more if given aid by the federal government. These organizations are also thought to have much more of a personal, local type of therapy that people will want to attend to get help. In a quote by President Bush, he explains his goals for the faith based initiative: “The indispensable and transforming work of faith-based and other charitable service groups must be encouraged. Government cannot be replaced by charities, but it can and should welcome them as partners. We must heed the growing consensus across America that successful government social programs work in fruitful partnership with community-serving and faith-based organizations.” President George W. Bush (White House Community and Faith Based Initiative).

"The most obvious form of government aid to the faith based programs is the use of direct grants of public funds"(Pfeffer 163). The money however is not just handed over to these faith-based charitable organizations. These faith-based organizations must apply for the

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