President George Washington is a prime example of a visionary leader. The reason, I selected the first President is because his leadership role was crucial in the shaping of both America and the Office of President of the United States. With America achieving their independence, the period was critical for leaders to establish standards and set presidencies on how the country should be governed for the future. Furthermore, establishing the position of President of the United States also meant establishing a scope of authority, and required a person to demonstrate how the position should function, as a new world leader was created.
George Washington had many strengths, as he was dedicated, determined, well organized, and shared the vision
George Washington alone demonstrated very good characteristics of a visionary leader and had the power to maintain a coherency between long-range ideas, goals, and short-term actions. John Adams was an independent, intelligent thinker, and patriot who thought in national rather than class terms. Adam admitted when he was unfit for a job. This was especially true while in France and Holland, serving as an emissary which means
George Washington possessed great leadership abilities that led to him being designated the General and Commander in Chief of the United Colonies. He was a Southerner who was very trustworthy and fearless. He had already proved his military abilities and was wealthy enough that he would not be tempted by corruption. He was able to attract soldiers and civilians to volunteer their civic duties and stand by him for the long haul, having a long term goal in view. He led his troops by example. He made sure he did not send his troops out into dangerous territory without he himself being
George Washington, rewarded for his superior leadership skills, was granted the tremendous responsibility of the position of President of the United States. No ordinary man could bear this weight alone, with the exception of the strongest of the strong. George Washington, “Father of the Nation”, is a stronger president than Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson for multiple reasons such as, being a powerful military strategist and a stronger national leader.
The Most Influential Man in History Why did George Washington emerge as the most significant leader in the founding of the United States of America, even to the extent of being called the Father of the Country? This is a question that inevitably arises out of the mind of anyone who studies, even on a casual basis, the founding the US nation. Washington lived and worked with brilliant thinkers, writers, orators and organizers, such as Franklin, Mason, John and Sam Adams, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Hamilton, Madison, Dickinson, almost all of whom were far better educated than he. George Washington is one of the most influential people because he was the first president of the United States; he had moral character, and military experience.
“Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions” (Geneen). No other president has exemplified such an understanding of leadership as President George Washington. There is no doubt that Washington deserves his reputation as one of the best presidents this country has ever had. His moral character and bold actions continue to set the standards for future presidents. Not only was Washington the Commander and Chief of the Continental Army and the President of the Continental Congress but he was the first president and only president unanimously elected twice and served from 1789 to 1796. During his time in office, Washington set this country on a path that has been able to withstand the test of time of over 200 hundred years. Some critics argue that Washington’s siding with Hamilton actually encouraged partisanship, the very thing Washington so vehemently denounced. However, it is clear that George Washington remained true to his vision of a strong and independent nation. He had many positive attributes, but it was his strong moral character, leadership skills, and political vision that made him worthy of the title “Father of America”.
Have you ever tried to start a government in a new country with no example, no rules, all while trying to keep the people you are directing happy? If you answered yes, you’d be lying. How do I know? Because you aren’t George Washington. However much people criticize him, they probably couldn’t do any better. George Washington was an extremely effective president. He created a new government, cabinet, and showed how a president should act.
These lessons would seem to stay with him throughout his life. He is also erroneously
George Washington is the greatest president because he was a natural leader. He led by example and not by excuses. He was chosen by the people to lead them into the great nation that was born that day from his presidency. George Washington was the first person to be elected president of the United States. He knew that the first president would have to set the example for the future presidents that had yet to come. George Washington was not only a present but also a soldier and a general. George Washington knew how to lead men to victory and greatness. He was a noble and humble man of the people. George Washington knew and did what was best for the people of the United States.
Many people wonder why George Washington is even to this day considered the best president of all time, but most cannot really nail down a solid answer as to why they make the proclamation. Today, this essay will walk through my thoughts behind why George Washington is the best president of the United States that ever lived. Within this next passage, we will explore the concept of his leadership by analyzing his military and political career previous to his presidency. We will also venture through the actions taken under the title of Commander In Chief. Moreover, we will evaluate his devotion and straight-forwardness for this country.
One of the most obvious, and in my opinion, most important factors to Why George Washington is the greatest president of all time, is the fact that he was the very first president ever. With John Adams at his side, George Washington started the country on its way to become the great and wonderful country that we call home today. George Washington is perhaps the single president who can truly call himself a “founding father” of the United States of America. Many people would’ve have looked at the situation and thought that it wasn’t their place to correct a whole country, or much less to lead the country to greatness. It takes great courage to lead an entire country, without anyone to look back on for experience advice or mistakes that have been made. I, myself, couldn’t or wouldn’t have even thought about doing that, I would’ve let someone like George Washington step up to the plate.
George Washington is best known for guiding the Continental army to victory during the Revolution, being the first president of the United States, and having our nation's capital named after him. Choosing him as the greatest adaptive leader of his time was an easy task. He embodies several leadership characteristics like driven, resilient, a risk taker, proactive, and a problem solver/ critical thinker. That being said, he stands out as an adaptive leader for all the right reasons.
There have been several presidents who have earned the title 'great' for the leadership and vision they demonstrated during their service in the White House, including Thomas Jefferson, James K. Polk, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Today however I want to honor one president above all others, George Washington. Each of these men led the United States through a period of crisis and conflict. In my eyes the one that stands out the most is George Washington
General George Washington was conceivably the one indispensable man among the Founding Fathers. He was the only one out of many others to command the respect needed to lead the Continental Army to victory over Great Britain and presiding over the Constitutional Convention. He was indeed born as a leader to which a leader is defined as one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leader and followers. During the eight year Revolutionary war from 1775-1783 with Great Britain and America soldiers, General George Washington has proven himself to be a formidable leader that made him recognizable in a much later life such as his presidential selection. John C. Maxwell, the author of Communication Lessons From America’s Founding Father, draws the attention of General Washington strength qualities of being a leader as it explains “They watched him lead a bedraggled army of ill-equipped, under-clothed soldiers in battle against the world’s mightiest, most professional fighting force--the British Army.” In contrast, Mary Theobald, the author of Whatever happened to Benedict Arnold? argues “...trusted by Washington that the British thought him incorruptible, had attempted to betray his country by surrendering West Point.” Yet this disagreement raises the question, what does General Washington’s strengths and weakness lies during the Revolutionary War as he serves his role as the Commander in Chief? Based on research, General Washington’s leadership during that period had conveyed
George Washington as America's Greatest Leader An independent country requires a strong, wise and dignified administration to guide a highly emotional population through a tough phase while establishing a stable relationship with other nations. At the same time, the first president, guided by his administration, must create a charter to govern the nation. Being the first president of the United States of America and a new face on the world stage, George Washington along with his administration created an excellent blueprint for the recently formed nation. Washington was successful as the first president because his administration maintained peace and neutrality in European affairs, consisted of men
I was born on Sept. 24, 1755 in Germantown, Virginia. My parents, Thomas Marshall and Mary Randolph Keith, had 15 children of which I was the oldest. While growing up, my parents homeschooled my 14 siblings and me, and later I was sent to one year of boarding school at the Campbell Academy, where I was classmates with James Monroe. While growing up in a politically connected family, my parents brought great influence into the household, knowledge and character wise. My father was a sheriff and a land surveyor, and my mother was the daughter of a clergyman and her bloodline could be drawn back to the Lees and Randolphs. As I was growing up, my main influence was George Washington, who was a friend of my father. Because of him, at the age of