
George Washington Carver Biography Essay

Decent Essays

Do you know the man who made products oput of peanuts? Well, me, George Washington Carver. Many people heard about me, and many haven’t. I will tell you about my life and what I was famous for. I was born in slavery in Diamond, Missouri, during the Civil War. People don’t exactly know the year and the date of birth of me. The people that raise me and my brother James, were Moses and Susan Carver. Susan Carver taught me and my brother to read and write because the local school didn’t enappect me and my brother to school. I escaped my parents house to go to school that was 10 miles away. I attended a series of schools before receiving my diploma at Minneapolis High School in Minneapolis, Kansas. Accepted to Highland College in Highland, Kansas, I was denied admittance once college administrators learned of my race.Instead of attending classes, I homesteaded a claim, where I conducted biological experiments and compiled a geological collection. While interested in science, I was also interested …show more content…

In these years, I established my reputation as a brilliant botanist and began the work that I would pursue for the remainder of my career. After graduating from Iowa State, Carver embarked on a career of teaching and research.Booker T. Washington, the principal of the African-American Tuskegee Institute, hired me to run the school's agricultural department in 1896. I was lured the promising young botanist to the institute with a hefty salary and the promise of two rooms on campus, while most faculty members lived with a roommate. My special status stemmed from my accomplishments and reputation, as well as the degree I got from a prominent institution not normally open to black students. I took peanuts to made over 300 products after they weren’t use from the famrers. I made soap, balls, paper, shaving cream, lotion, and flour. Also, I used sweet potatos to make stuff too like

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