Like many others, I, Tracy Wang will like to attend George Washington Caver for my high school years. I am a very persistence person who dreams to have a successful future. I strive to get good grades on all subjects, as you can see from my previous grades (straight A's). Working to get these grades was very difficult, I counter many obstacles in my way, but I never gave up what I'm going for. Many had said that there's no point of it's because I'm a female, but I still feel optimism that something magnificent would happen. I display a good role model quality because I have no disciplinary record or detention in the past few years and I lend a helping hand when others are in trouble. The reason for this is I could accomplish what many
I am a dedicated, caring individual committed to improving the world around me. My dedication to achieving goals, be it academic or in extracurricular activities, has shown time and time again that I will not give up until I meet the goal, even in the face of adversity. I believe that commitment to goals is a valuable quality I could use to contribute to the community. I plan to join clubs that UCF offer students to work with and contribute to the UCF community. I believe working with my fellow peers to be an important and enriching aspect of college life. I am always willing to help someone in need or point them in the
George Washington Lane was born to Jonathan and Mary Colley Lane 1806. George was either born in Cherokee or Ogelthorp County Georgia. In 1818 George moved to Limestone County Alabama with his mother Mary Colley Lane. George earned an elementary education after arriving in Alabama. He read law under Judge Daniel Coleman and was admitted to the bar in 1826. George was then elected probate judge of Limestone County, Alabama and then was elected circuit judge, he served that office for sixteen consecutive years. George represented Limestone County on several occasions in the legislature. On October 3, 1834 George Married Martha Nicholas Davis the daughter of Captain Nicholas Davis. George and Martha had 11 children, Robert Wilson Lane, George Gale, Nicholas, Mary, Kate Gaston, Belta Colley, May Fern, Charles Paul, and Hector Davis are the children listed in the 1840 census. Seven of George’s children lived to adulthood. The 1840 census of Limestone County Alabama lists George as head of a household of 48. George owned 44 slaves. George Washington Lane was a highly respected and successful farmer, lawyer and politician at the beginning of the anti-slavery movement. As the anti-slavery movement increased, George is said to have freed all of his slaves soon after the secession debates in Montgomery were held. George was strongly opposed to secession. George was convinced that secession was a mistake, and to let everyone know how he felt, he hung a union flag over his door. Apparently George’s beliefs were well known and had found their way to Washington around April of 1861. At that time it is said that he was appointed Federal Judge of
Hiram Ulysses Grant was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio on April 27,1822 to Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson Grant (Williams). His first name was decided upon by his maternal grandmother while his middle name was an alternate form of his father’s favorite literary character, whose name was Odysseus (Schlesinger Jr.). His parents had three daughters and two sons after Ulysses. During his childhood, he was shy but had a large passion for horses (Grant, 8). He worked on his family’s farm and attended local schools where he was not a very good student. In 1839, his father decided to send him to West Point, an idea that Grant was not to fond of (Lincoln, 422).
Davy crockett was a very well and equipped kid growing up.Mostly everything he did,he mastered.Davy crockett is a good example of someone who fought in the texas revolution,because he was the last man standing at the alamo.
We already brought you part one of our series on actress Kerry Washington. Since there is so much more to learn about this fantastic entertainer, here are few more facts.
John Washington, George's great grandfather reached the New World in 1657 settling in Virginia. Little information exists on George washington's ancestors before his father but what is known is that by the time George was born on February 22, 1732. the family was part of the lower class of Virginia's ruling class. He was the oldest child of his father's second marriage. there were two sons from the first marriage previously. Farming and land speculation had brought the family moderate income. However when George was eleven years old his family was dealt a terrible setback. Augustine became extremely sick after watching his lands his lands. during a long ride in bad weather he died.—ironically, the same thing killed
Once in awhile, you may eat Peanut butter and jelly or use almond lotion on your skin. But do you know the history of it? George Washington Carver had filled a big gap in your everyday life using crops and other renewable resources. It took hard work and dedication to achieve goals like making building materials out of peanuts. Still today he is remembered and thought as a hard core thinker. The Ib learner profile trait for George is Washington carver was a born into slavery in 1861. He was kidnapped before 1 but his mother had made a successful escape taking young Carver with her. George Washington was a hard worker growing up, trying to make money anyway possible for his only-mother and brother to survive. He was known to have the green thumb in his childhood, because he could help and cure just about any plant that had trouble or that was on it’s last stem.
Andrew Jackson Young Jr was born on March 12, 1932 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His
Were he began teaching students. He helped black and white farmers. He taught them how to focus on upgrading the quality of soul which was diminished by planting cotton for many years. The inventions improved race relations in America. It promoted racial equality. Caver was a religious man who believed in improving life and living in peace. Caver’s different experiments brought him to discovery of advanced cultivating the soul, He created another source of protein, sweet potatoes, flower, cosmetics, milk, butter, cooking oil, medicines, and like I mentioned before over 300
The Oregon Trail, was a pathway that led thousands of Americans in the east, through the continent to find more opportunity somewhere else. It was a long adventure, being 2,170 miles, add or take a little because people found shortcuts over the years. It was a dangerous journey, reaching from Independence, Missouri to Willamette Valley in Oregon, but it was also full of rivers, harsh deserts, and rough climate. Also, new diseases and wagon accidents ravaged the brave souls, around 400,000, making a successful trip across the continent, really something to be proud of. Over decades of wagons carving the ground, from soil to hard stone, it has left markings of wagon wheels across the lands that it crosses such as Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon, where the trail splits up north and south to Washington to California.
I would love to attend Wake STEM Early College High School because I believe it will give me a head start on my learning after the high school level. Your program will improve my college experience and save thousands of dollars in college tuition by giving me an associates degree and high school diploma upon graduation. I am also exceedingly interested in a career in science or mathematics. I have always been focused on learning science and math because it is something I love to do and I can have a successful career in the future by using those skills. I understand that attending this prestigious school will require a certain level of maturity and willingness to work hard. As an 8th grader at West Lake Middle School, I am a member of the National
George Washington is seen, to the general public, as a larger than life figure. As a society, Americans have a tendency to view him as a legend, even to the point of creating stories that tell us false stories about his childhood and adulthood. Myths are taught to us from a young age about how the very first president had wooden teeth, and that he was somehow so pure that he could not tell a lie, and that he had such magnificent upper body strength that he threw a silver dollar across the Pontiac. George Washington was both an experienced military leader and a strong political leader, but in which field did he have the most impact?
Davy Crockett is known as one of the greatest outdoorsman in history, and will be for a very long time. Born in Knoxville, Tennessee David Stern Crockett was born on August 17, 1786. He was the fifth child out of the nine children his parents John and Rebecca Crockett.
After reviewing the Admissions Philosophy Statement, I believe that many of my qualities fit into the Statement and can add value to your community of scholars. I always aim to do the best work that I can for all of my assignments, and I take classes that I believe will challenge me, even if it means I might get a lower grade than I would in an easier class. Although I spend much of my time doing schoolwork, I always try to make time for creative endeavours; I enjoy writing and drawing in my spare time. My school is not culturally diverse, but I often travel to visit a friend in Philadelphia, and this allows me to actively learn about and understand people with social, intellectual, and cultural differences from me. I do not actively volunteer,
My aspiration to attend college is derived from my passion to experience the outside world and further develop my knowledge. George Mason provides for a suburban feel that is the perfect distance from my hometown and offers the majors I plan to study. By taking this step forward in my life, I can finally handle the responsibility of being independent, as well as discovering the person that dwindles deep inside me. I desire to choose my own battles and make my own decisions. I hope by attending college, I can improve myself as a person, and be prepared for the challenges I long to conquer in the path ahead. My passion for writing will thrive in studying the courses I want to, as well as my quality of life.