Another important worker to the Georgia Department of Corrections is its line officers who make a vast percentage of the GDC's workers. A line officer or officer of the line is used mainly by the Georgia Department of Corrections to refer to a U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force Marine or U.S. Coast Guard commissioned officer. These officers role mainly include exercising general command authority, they are also eligible for operational command positions, as opposed to other officers who normally exercise authority within a specialty. The legal authority for the Georgia Department of Corrections comes from the country in which the organization resides as it is a government base organizations. While the legal authority in the organizations travels from
In Kansas City, Missouri, city officials are responsible for overseeing several aspects of the city’s administration. This includes collecting taxes, budgeting, infrastructure maintenance, jail supervision, among others. The Jackson County Jail is housed in Kansas City, and the Kansas City council is partially responsible for the funding and operation of the jail, as it houses city statute violators. The correctional staff is made up of members of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, so are outside the scope of the city’s supervision. Since the jail is housed in the city of Kansas City, the city legislature is responsible primarily for the operations of the jail.
Wabash and Huntington County Jails are both jails [WCJ], [HCJ], but are totally different. They have different capacities for inmates; they both have different types of environments for the inmates to have a little bit of free time. They also have their own problems in keeping the inmates in that facility, money is an issue for one or both jails. Keeping the inmates feed is an issue when the jail is way over the maximum capacity, and these are the three topics that I will focus on.
A murder suspect who escaped from a Mississippi jail was shot dead by a family he held hostage for several hours inside their home Thursday, police said.
The parole system is generally a “mitigation of the punishment of the prisoner in favour of his rehabilitation through conditional freedom, when appropriate ,” as established by the High Court of Australia.
Cities with higher incarceration rates had increased socio-economic instability. Some neighborhoods decreased in population so severely that they became non-existent due to the mass incarceration rate. Because the government allowed the inmates to work for private industry for a fraction of what the standard wage was at the time, many free-laborers had difficulty finding gainful employment and had lost their ability to use collective bargaining. The free-labor loss of jobs associated with hiring inmates also increased poverty in urban areas which in turn increased crimes of
Create a new program that helps educate the community and families about the safety measures and protections provided to offenders while they are incarcerated in Harris County jails.
At any point in time, a criminal can be arrested and incarcerated without regard to his or her health condition. There have been many instances at the Wyoming Department of Correction (WDOC) where it has to find proper housings for individuals who come into the system already pregnant.
Defendant Smith has been arrested for possession of enough ecstasy for two hits and has admitted to using alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana in the past. Clearly this indicates that he has a drug problem. However, he has no prior criminal record, has held down a job in construction for the past two years, and has a child for whom he must pay child support. He has fallen behind as of late and may be tied to his drug abuse, for which he has never received counseling or treatment. Give that he has never received treatment, has a job, and a child to support, I would recommend that he be placed into a Drug Court Program.
I have chosen to research the correctional system of the United States for many reasons. The first reason is that I believe this component of the legal system has the most problems facing it. Another reason is that this topic interests me and I would like to learn more about it.
1. Information regarding the Department of Corrections’ investigation of complaints related to several correctional officers will spread throughout the institution along certain channels (Stojkovic, Kalinich, Klofas, 2008). Starting with the prison warden this information will need to be efficient and accurate as it travels throughout the organization. Being that the prison warden will be the first to be informed of this information, the chain of command would be downward communication. This type of communication allows a clear passageway for the information to be sent to subordinates and provides for an effective management of the tone and delegation of the message (Stojkovic et al., 2008). The channels that are chosen in regards to the
In 2011, I spent time serving in prisons with a church organization who’s goal was to change the systemic problems within the prison system. This caused me to examine all aspects of inequality and oppression that disproportionately affects people of color.
Correctional stories are a different breed when it comes to covering crime and justice stories. You usually do not hear too much about these stories unless something goes wrong. However they usually play a small role in a developed story as it acts as the end of the story. Why do they cut out this part of the crime and justice coverage? These stories do not receive much media attention, but why? Unlike most crime and justice stories, correctional stories fair poorly in the news for 3 distinct reasons. This essay will touch upon the 3 characteristics that allow correctional stories to fly under the radar and exemplify that.
There are many options a judge might choose as punishment or rehabilitation for an offender other than having the offender complete his or her whole sentence in jail or be sent to jail or prison all together. Some options the judge might decide to use are parole, probation, community correction, and many other forms of sentencing him or her might hand down to an offender. There is always a better solution to the current methods of parole process, probation system, and the community corrections options. Like everything else the only way to improve a system is to continue to come with better solutions or more effective and affiant ways to run each sentencing options.
Prison, a place in which many of us fear. Our nation has came a long way with punishment for unlawful acts. We slightly drifted away from the death penalty and focused mostly upon prisons. It provides a great opportunity for inmates to reconstruct their life and prevent their further corruptive behavior.
New York opened its first state prison in 1788. It opened on November 28th. It