
Gerald Nosich Critical Thinking

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According to Dr. Gerald Nosich, an expert in critical thinking and author of the book: Learning to Think Things Through: A Guide to Critical Thinking across the Curriculum, “Many aspects of the world we live in can be impediments to learning to think more critically” (17). Nosich addresses that one of the biggest impediments to critically thinking comes from the news (17). If the news media is a hindrance on our ability to think things through critically, it must be held accountable for the content it produces. To create accountability, Nosich establishes the standards of critical thinking that reasoning must undergo for it to be deemed critical (133). In the United States, news media channels are heavily criticized for being biased and misinforming …show more content…

The November ninth episode plays a clip from an O’Reilly Factor episode that aired on April twelfth, 2011. In the 2011 footage, O’Reilly states: “The Factor investigation also showed that Mr. Obama was born in a Honolulu hospital and we stand by our reporting” (qtd. in “The O’Reilly Factor”). At the time in 2011, the news cycle was dominated by the “birther” controversy. The demand for President Obama’s birth certificate was heavily brought on by Republicans trying to discredit President Obama’s legitimacy. O’Reilly, labeled as a strong Republican, was actually one of the most outspoken commentators against the birther movement. O’Reilly’s denunciation of the birther movement is an example of his rejection to partisan agendas. In fact checking O’Reilly’s November Ninth episode, O’Reilly states the news reporters that have produced stories discrediting Republican candidate Ben Carson, in regard to his violent past, have been carless, especially since the information is easily accessible (“The O’Reilly Factor”). In a May 11, 1997 Parade article, Ben Carson’s mother, Sonya, confirms Ben’s narrative when asked about the story of Ben attempting to stab a classmate (Ryan 7). The statements made by O’Reilly are accurate and he takes pride in his

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