
Gerard Jones Violent Media Is Good For Kids

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Violent Media Is Good for Kids Gerard Jones is a man who has lived a life closely tied to violent media, with a successful career in writing comic books and action movies (200). His claims about the effects violent media on children, while fitting for a man with his background, may still come as a surprise to concerned parents. Jones’ article “Violent Media Is Good For Kids” is a successfully thought provoking piece; however, his argument is only marginally effective due to Jones’ failure to properly support his claims with compelling evidence, to clearly define the intentions of his argument, or to fully market himself as a trustworthy voice on the subject. “Violent Media Is Good For Kids” is an exploration into the idea that children need creative violent expression, through entertainment media, for their mental health and wellness (199-203). Jones’ theory was realized through personal experiences; and he uses these personal experiences as evidence of his claim (199-203). He tells of himself as a child, his own son, and also of case studies of other children who, Jones claims, have seen improvement in many different areas through exposure to violent media (199-203). Jones argues that violent media is not only a healthy outlet for an inner rage natural to many children, but also is a …show more content…

Is he suggesting that parents allow their toddlers to watch the horror-gore movies from the Saw franchise, in lieu of their usual educational cartoons? Or does “violent media” still fall within the age specific television and movie-rating guidelines? A suggestion to introduce children to PG-level violence would likely be much more readily accepted by an unsure parent, but that may not be exactly what Jones meant within his argument. Without specifically defined parameters of what Jones is suggesting, his argument starts out on rocky

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