Violent Media Is Good for Kids Gerard Jones is a man who has lived a life closely tied to violent media, with a successful career in writing comic books and action movies (200). His claims about the effects violent media on children, while fitting for a man with his background, may still come as a surprise to concerned parents. Jones’ article “Violent Media Is Good For Kids” is a successfully thought provoking piece; however, his argument is only marginally effective due to Jones’ failure to properly support his claims with compelling evidence, to clearly define the intentions of his argument, or to fully market himself as a trustworthy voice on the subject. “Violent Media Is Good For Kids” is an exploration into the idea that children need creative violent expression, through entertainment media, for their mental health and wellness (199-203). Jones’ theory was realized through personal experiences; and he uses these personal experiences as evidence of his claim (199-203). He tells of himself as a child, his own son, and also of case studies of other children who, Jones claims, have seen improvement in many different areas through exposure to violent media (199-203). Jones argues that violent media is not only a healthy outlet for an inner rage natural to many children, but also is a …show more content…
Is he suggesting that parents allow their toddlers to watch the horror-gore movies from the Saw franchise, in lieu of their usual educational cartoons? Or does “violent media” still fall within the age specific television and movie-rating guidelines? A suggestion to introduce children to PG-level violence would likely be much more readily accepted by an unsure parent, but that may not be exactly what Jones meant within his argument. Without specifically defined parameters of what Jones is suggesting, his argument starts out on rocky
When it comes to the topic of violent media, some of us would readily agree it’s a controversial subject as to whether kids should or shouldn’t be exposed to it. This is because many children who view violent media react negatively rather than not being affected at all. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of what effects does it have on children. Whereas some are convinced that it is a healthy alternative for kids to express themselves, others maintain that it causes kids to become more aggressive and contributes to juvenile crimes.
He soon finds a psychologist with a PH.D named Melanie Moore who explains children who watch violent films would express their feelings better. She has gotten her research by working with students in public schools. Jones then shares the entire journey they went on to find out is watching films is bad for children’s minds. Although he is sharing the journey, in the body paragraph he did not share with us anecdote. All the writer was writing about was statistics and the information that they found, there was no true story of what the students were saying about the films.
The main purpose of the article written by Gerald Jones is to change the public perception of violent media for kids. He argues for this by saying violent media can actually have positive effects on young people because a violent media help the young people to gain self-knowledge and sense of potency through heroic combative storytelling. In addition to this, when young people are growing, watching a media action full pool of blood, killing, stabbing, screams of agony and pleas for mercy help them pull out of the emotional trap by plunging themselves into violent story. Jones also believes that violent media are a positive influence on children because pretend to have a superhuman power helps children defeat the feeling of impotent that inescapably
The article on violent media is good for kids By: Gerald Jones was a fantastic article. In the article Jones talks about how certain forms of violent media is good for children. There are all a lot of points that go with his statement, or go against it. In this paper I will be talking about Jones’s ideas and point of view on his article.
In his essay “Violent Media is Good for Kids”, comic book writer Gerard Jones argues that there are some benefits of exposing your children to a violent content. Back in the day, children have access to different media entertainments, which mostly were violent. Violent issues can rise from the community, poverty and so fourth. Jones thinks that violent media helps children’s attitude and perceptions in their life in a good way. Jones says,” children use violent stories to meet their emotional and developmental needs”(10).
In the article, “Violent Media Is Good for Kids”, the author, Gerard Jones, begins by providing background information about himself. As a child, Jones was taught that violence was wrong, and as he grew up, he learned that violent comics and stories aided him to become an action movies and comic book writer. In his article, the author addresses why violent media are good for children. He points out that it helps them transform better socially, explore and conquer their feelings, and improves self-knowledge. Jones purpose is to inform readers about the positive use of violent media on children. The author uses rhetorical appeals of pathos and ethos, and stylistic techniques such as allusions and repetitions to create his argument.
The genre for the article is political because Jones purpose for writing the article was to promote and defend children’s exposure to violent media. Jones audience for the article included both side of the argument and allowed for interaction on the website for discussion. Jones pathos used only positive examples for his argument and offered no acknowledgement of any negative effects of violent media’s influence on children. Jones’ logos used a series of successful stories as a logical argument for the author’s claim made in the title. Jones waited until the end of his article to clarify that he was not arguing that violent entertainment was not harmless.
Gerard Jones is an author of several works of fiction and nonfiction and has written many comic books for Marvel Comics as well as other publishers. Jones uses his own personal experience to praise violent media as a tool for shaping children’s perception of life and help control their emotions. Specifically, the emotions that society often want children and even
According to Gerard Jones’s “ Violent Media Is Good For Kids,” violent media indeed has a remarkable influence upon the minds and general growth patterns of children. Jones argues that violent media can actually have positive effects on young people.
Violent media; a strikingly relevant phenomenon millions are becoming captivated by. It’s everywhere you go, on your phone, the TV or on the computer. As much as people try to avoid it, they soon realize it’s ineluctable. Gerard Jones, a comic-book author, released a brief report, “Violent Media Is Good for Kids” that argued violent media is not only beneficial to children but also inspiring. He goes on to support his claim by sampling his own personal experiences. However, not all forms of violent media are necessarily helpful. Some are more preferable while others can harm them. To an extent, violent media can help children by helping them release built up emotions, learn lessons regarding the real world, as well as create something for themselves.
Gerard Jones is the author of the essay “Violent Media Is Good for Kids”. This essay is a very interesting piece about how violent media can actually help young kids get through stressful points in their life. I truly enjoyed reading this piece and it was very entertaining, but it didn't really convince me that violent media is good for young kids. I have two reasons why the author didn't convince me. The first is statistics, he didn't use any data or studies on the subject , and the second reason was the types media.
In the writing of Gerard Jones “Violent Media is Good for Kids” is very interesting essay in which he describes how violent media can help kids to overcome obstacles, but whether it is convincing or not, I am not truly sure because the way the essay is written is biased. Jones as writer is making this controversial topic to gain more audience to read his writings, in addition, this essay fails in detail, it needs more statistics to support the examples that Jones addresses in his essay. Also, we need more information about what is the opinion of parents of these kids that believed violet media is good so, we need the statistics of the studies of the psychologist that support the idea of good
While it gives the impression that Gerald Jones could be wrong in his arguments, there is an aspect of truth at least from his case studies he took in his research. In addition, while no one would support exposure of the young children to violence and violent scenes, not at least in a stable civilization like America, it is quite evident that violent media provides the children and the young people in the society with certain message in life. It becomes clear that the
From infancy onward, parents and teachers have drilled into the young generation that violence should be avoided at all costs. They have preached cooperation, tolerance, and “using one’s words” as tactics to combat difficult situations. Although those lessons are valid, Gerald Jones claims there is an alternative way. In his essay, “Violent Media is Good for Kids,” Jones argues that “creative violence- bonking cartoons, bloody videogames, toy guns-gives children a tool to master their rage” (Jones). In other words, media violence, used correctly, can serve as an alternative method for powering through adolescence. By reading and writing violent stories, children are able to express
Violent Media is Good for Kids, by Gerald Jones; a persuasive article written by a comic book author that analyzes how exposing children to violent media has positive effects in shaping a person. This article was written as a counter-argument to the negative response media received after a horrific mass shooting that took place at a high school. Jones defends violent media by telling of his own personal experience with it, thus glorifying it in the process. Jones argues in his article that violent media is a helpful resource for children and it does not necessarily harm them. Jones’ argument was effective and very convincing. He defends his stance by continuously stating the positives that violent media has had not only on him, but his own son as well.