Geri has excellent skills and efficiently works in all applications, utilized by the Department. She embraces new technology such as Acrobat DC and spends down time honing her skills. When assigned to the Distribution Center, Geri has the ability to work independently, processing assignments, meeting deadlines and ensuring accuracy. Whether working in the Minicenter or completing Center work assignments, Geri consistently receives high ratings on comments sheets. Samuel Wagreich wrote, “Geri was fantastic. Very attentive and not hesitate to reach out with questions. Good attention to detail.” She also establishes good rapport with attorneys as indicated in a comment from Kathleen Ferrell, “I had a very good experience with Geri and am
I am writing in regards to Latosha Griffin and the work she is completing for our company in Rochester, MN. Latosha works for our company, PeopleReady, which is an Industrial Staffing Company whose mission statement is to connect people with work.
La Tayna easily connects with callers and is personable and polite. She works in the late afternoons and doesn't always keep up with new procedures and protocols. Her last call monitoring showed that she wasn't familiar with the new look up procedure and when confronted she admitted she didn't have a clue and was greatful for the instructions. She does great at accessing the needs of the caller quickly and is familar with resources, however she's not consistently repeating and capturing the NAPE correctly. She need to stick to the script provided and not improvise her own version. She sounds genuine and compassionate with callers and comes across like she's there to help them. Overall, she a good agent that can improve by engainging in her
Rochelle is committed to the invoicing needs of clients, prioritizes her workload effectively and works steadily to complete her assigned work. She is efficient, thorough, meets SLA deadlines and rarely makes a mistake. Rochelle’s ability to produce high quality work makes her a highly valued member of the billing team.
Jennifer you are very dependable and you have shown your ability to complete assignments accurately and on-time as well as the ability to follow required procedures and guidelines. Jennifer you are able to work independently and with little to no direction from me. Jennifer I can depend on you to complete a priority assignment by the requested due date. Jennifer you have a 100% success rate when sending your required reports to me. If you are not able to submit a report to me by the required time frame you let me know in advance with a reason why and the date that you will be submitting the report.
Overall, Bridgette Hovis has a sweet tone. She is respectful to callers, supervisors, and agents. Bridgette tries to meet the need of her callers quickly and is not afraid to ask supervisors for help. She receives critque and close supervison well. Bridgette is often late for her scheduled shift due to personal needs with her children. I often pray with Bridgette and encourage her to continue to be positive in the spite of the situation she may be facing. She remembers her passwords and badge each shift. I would like to see Bridgette work on her perfessionalism in the work place more and I think she will become more professional in the work place over time. Bridgette can multi-task well and loves when she helps people meet their need. She
“She’s one of the most hard-working, dedicated employees we have on staff,” she said. “She consistently goes above and beyond.”
Geri has excellent skills and competently works in all applications used in the word processing department. She is interested in keeping her skills up-to-date and uses her down time to research and/or learn new and updated software or read wptips and otherwise stay on top of word of mouth. Geri gladly shares information which may assist another operator to complete an assignment, such information has ranged from new ways to utilize the scanning software to employing updated techniques to compare documents.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Janie Gray the office manager of Dr. Andy Gray 's medical practice. I chose to interview her because her excellent communication with her employees as well as the patients was outstanding. Because I plan to have an occupation in the communication field I thought she would be an excellent person to interview.
There are several different powers in any organization but it is something very prevalent at GEICO. In the beginning of my career at GEICO I did not have much power at all but after building confidence and recognition through the company I have some power in my office. I am working on getting legitimate power but at this time I have plenty of connection power and charismatic power. I have several connections at GEICO. My trainer at GEICO who I connected with as soon as I was hired is now the sales manager. My old boss is now a rotational manager. A supervisor I spoke with on a regular basis is now a performance coach in service. My former Quality Assurance boss is now a director in Arizona, and I am connected with the Vice President of the company. I did all this by working hard but also having the ability to attract people to me. I attempt to be a warm and welcoming person, but at the same time very driven and focused. Through my time at GEICO I have really developed my connection power and soon enough that connection power will develop into legitimate power once I become a sales supervisor.
As a legal assistant, Sally specializes in VA form approval and enhances communication between clients. She is inspired by learning and understands the logistics necessary to assist clients while empathically providing them with the proper tools to support their elder law needs. “I strive to have constant contact with our clients and their families; be it via email, text or phone, I am always accessible.”
Today was my first session with Laura Hartley. I introduced myself and shared my role as a GA, terms of supervision, and asked permission to video record.
Joyce holds all of our school activities, the budget, and day to day routines together. She stays on top of all meetings, requisition monies, attendance, community communication, and budget with extraordinary expertize. More importantly anyone who invests any time to get to know Joyce quickly realizes her qualities stick with you just like the glue that holds our projects together. Joyce was chosen to mentor other administrative assistants in the district. She also received a Park Hill Star award from our superintendent for her service to the
Even though Harwell did not come from a family whose members were skilled in the construction of utility lines, she was confident in her ability to do the work. Being able to perform as good if not better than her co workers allowed Harwell to realize her self actualization “which is the motivation to develop one’s full potential as a human being.” (Santrock, 2006) Harwell knew that she wanted to work for this company that consisted of mostly men with ties to the business and she did not allow anyone or anything to deter her from doing
Actively contributes to policy discussions in these respective rooms, and gives very insightful input while maintaining a good relationship with the rest of the room staff members.
Migdalia (Aka Miggie) Villareal is a Project Manager with twelve years marketing experience -- ten of those years with Kaiser Permanente. The last three years she's spent on the Core team within Production Services -- leading a team of three project managers and one editor/proofer and managing 30-40 projects per month for CM, LM, BMC, and KPIF, focusing on efficiencies and quick turnarounds. Before this, she spent 7 years in Direct Response Marketing managing direct marketing campaigns with the focus on test and learn strategy -- developing and executing marketing campaigns for KPIF Acquisition. She’s an MRM SuperUser, a member of the MRM CoP (Community of Practice) and highly knowledgeable in the MSSA translation process best practices.