Getting published for the first time is not an endeavor for the faint of heart. Manuscripts must be in professional form and timed just right when reaching the decision-maker 's desk. But, one publisher has made an industry of printing books written by women, for women. Seal Press, a subsidiary of Perseus Books, deals with a wide range of women 's issues, written by those who lived it and know. There are no stern restrictions with topics, but they distribute such categories as feminine studies, parenting, food, fiction, dating, career and business, home buying, humor, self help, sports , poetry, African American studies, and more. If you have something to say that will benefit a woman 's life, Seal Press is interested in you. As an …show more content…
In addition to domestic distribution, Seal Press also sells from in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Women 's issues about life, emotion, and relationships are a universal internal process. While some specific cultural situations are tied to certain geographic areas, the inner most thoughts and emotions of women remains the same. Issues to European women and beyond are just as sharp and biting as to Americans. Seal Press has captured that market that women demand, and if you have a story to tell, they want to hear from you. Making a will is a part of life that many people do not want to think about. It can be difficult to actually sit down and think about your death, and what you would like to take place after you are gone, but it is very important and many people do not know the reasons why should they make a will. Having a will provides your loved ones with several advantages. If an individual dies without a will his estate will be distributed as prescribed by law. If a valid will is left, the property goes accordance with the provisions of the will. I am sure no one would want their property to be handled by law. Therefore, a will should be made while you are in sound mind so your estate can be distributed as you wish. Another advantage is in the cost and time for settling the estate may be reduced. Other advantages are: one can name an executor, a guardian designated
If you die without having a will created the estate assets become frozen and the court manages it. No thought is put into the deceased family. A living will is a document that talks about if a person become extremely ill they do not have to be kept alive by medical machines if they don’t want to be. Everyone should obtain life insurance so when they die there living family members will be provided enough money for a standard life. Between your living estate and insurance you must have enough money to cover all debt, future obligations, and supporting your
Contrary there are some faults to that could come into play with a living will. For instance in the state of Michigan it is not required for a living will to be enforced legally so in the end you wants might not even come into consideration. Another fact is that a physician can decide what is deemed necessary under certain circumstances and go against your wishes not to be resuscitated. Given the circumstances your family members might not agree with you giving up the right the life for the sake of their finical security. Terri Schiavo's family never gave up on her and would have been content to take care of her for the rest of her life. In the advent that a person does not have a living will in place one of your close relatives would be instated to make health care decisions for you. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it might not be entirely what you
In todays world an Ethical Will seems almost foreign to many people. A monetary or property Will is a type of Will that people are most familiar with. This deals with ones property being distributed to a younger generation upon or near death.2 The encyclopedia Judaica defines a Will as a, “person’s disposition of his property in favor of another in such manner that the testator retains the property or his rights to it until his death.”5(page65) Some may be unaware that there are different types of monetary Wills. The first is called a Mattenat Bari, which means, “gift by a healthy person.”5 (page 65) The second type is called a Mattenat Shekhiv, “a gift by a person critically ill.” 5 (pg65) The last type is called an Mezavveh
Research also suggest that only twenty-five percent of Americans have a living will but change their minds what it should say. There is only twenty-eight percent of home health care patients, sixty-five of nursing home patients, and eighty-eight percent of hospice patients have some sort of advanced care planning. (Jones 2011) Fewer than fifty percent of the terminally or severely ill patients have living wills or anything of that sort. (Kass-Bartelmes 2003) Those numbers are ridiculously
Noticing the influence women possessed began to change direction towards writing. Women were given another sense of purpose through newsletters being read in the hundreds in small towns and villages. (Henretta, 2012, pg.
Everyone should have a Last Will and Testament regardless of their age, marital status, or financial situation. However, many people fail to consider the benefits of a trust. Trusts provide the means for you to take a variety of actions that you cannot take with a will. Trusts can provide for your beneficiaries before
On a living will, an individual can express if they would prefer not to be resuscitated or if they don’t want to be living artificially on life-support. Additionally, living wills establish a written declaration of a power of attorney, establishing a person who may legally speak on behalf of a patient who is unable to do so. Living wills are crucial pieces of documentation that are necessary for the dignity and wishes of a person who may fall unexpectedly into a life-threatening condition. If a person does not wish to live artificially on life support, a living will may be the only documentation that can secure their right to die with what they choose to be a dignified death. Unfortunately, living wills are not too common, resulting in countless Americans whose lives are extended long after they wish to live. In order to get a living will, one can either hire an attorney and have the attorney draft a living will or there are templates available that can be filled out and submitted for notarization.
When on the topic of feminist writing, understanding the time period in which the author’s writing takes place persists as vastly important. Historically speaking, western culture follows a model thoroughly dominated by men. That commonality remains
We all commonly assume that we act freely, that we make our own decisions without regard to the opinions of those around us. We all like to think we create our own stories, and choose the way we tell them. However, many of us are probably at least tempted to wonder if this a thing completely within our control, how much of it is, and how we can resist attempts of others to write our stories for us, regardless of what we actually desire. Particularly when it comes to women, the society around us is very sure of what it wants our stories to be, and who should tell them and when. This is, of course, a process that begins early. As Foss,
Life on death row is not pleasant so inmates neither is jail. “North Carolina’s death row inmates live in 11x7- foot cells and have access to a community room with stainless steel tables for playing chess, writing, watching a small TV or listening to music on their see-through audio paler. Outside each death row pod, prison guards sit behind dark-tinted glass monitoring inmates… Two days a week… they get to spend one hour in an exercise yard” (Life on death row: 'Am I going to be next? ') They only get two hours a week to be able to get out of there cell less than most offenders in maximum security prisons that get an hour a day outside. Although they will be able to exercise, workout, they can still make some money doing janitor work they will only get a few cents though. “They can also receive one visit a week with a maximum of two visitors” (Life on death row: 'Am I going to be next? '). Mainly the only good part about this is they can visit with one or two people a week so not all their freedoms are taken away even though guards are watching they get to spend time with their loved ones if anyone decides to visit. I cannot imagine having almost all my rights taken away. Although these offenders are considered highly dangerous they are still human, and you can never be sure that one committed a crime or not. Nowadays with new technology man people are taken out of jail after spending half their lives in confinement are set free, but most are set free with nothing but the
I believe that communicating your wishes for end of life care is very important. Talking about end of life care to the people close to you can make a hard process easier and go smoother. It is also important that people document their end of life care and wishes for their medical records. A patient with documented end of life care and wishes will have autonomy and justice even when they are not mentally or physically able to express their wishes.
A living will also allows a person to state with particularity the forms of treatment are wanted and not wanted. For example, if a one does not want artificial life support, then sign the living will stating that desire. It is also important to discuss your beliefs and wishes with you family, spouse and other people whose opinions you respect, such as clergy,
Since 2001, Portugal has prioritized harm reduction in drug abuse and have treated addiction as a health issues instead of a crime issue. Many believe that this policy has reduced drug addiction, but others feel that it has encouraged the use of illegal drugs. I believe that Portugal is taking the wrong stance against drugs and should be viewing them in a criminal manner. This policy can be supported in historical context via the burning of opium by the Chinese government and by the use of methamphetamine by German soldiers in World War II.
‘Shopping beats therapy, any time. It costs the same and you get a dress out of it.’ – Rebecca Brandon (Née Bloomwood). Does Kinsella’s main character’s thought portray a 21st century independent woman? Does this thought describe women as materialistic shallows? Or is it the evidence of the present-day capitalist paradigm? There are clearly confronted positions in the chick lit ground, divided between those who expect this genre to reflect the feminist concept of an independent woman; and those who claim it to reveal the reality of women grappling with modern world. ‘You can be highly intelligent, and also ditzy and klutzy. (…) What I’m writing is real’, expresses best seller writer Sophie Kinsella. With a witty sense and a humorous style,
It should be a law that you have to write a will once you reach a certain age when you are most likely to know what you want done with your belongings, once you are gone. In the future if you get damaged (mentally or physically), your belongings will go to the appropriate place.