
Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Devices

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We have many great speakers influencing many people, but there were two of them who’s were memorable and remarkable. President Lincoln delivered “The Gettysburg Address” one hundred and fifty-three years ago in Pennsylvania to honor the soldiers who died in war. Just as hundred years later Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech was longer than Lincoln’s speech, but it was still magnificent to influence other people. These two men spoke these words to give freedom against racism, and to remind the nation to fight for freedom. But these speakers didn’t it by just saying the words; they did it by how they said the words. President Lincoln accomplished the impact of his speech by using great rhetoric analysis devices. In Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” he has given quote which has inspired many people, “We cannot dedicate-we cannot consecrate-we cannot hallow-this ground. The brave men, living or dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our power to add or detract”. His aim was to end the war which taken many great lives from them. He wanted to explain how no one except the people that fought could honor the ground at which the speech is being recited. He has also used anaphora, metaphors, contrasts, repetition, and alliteration’s. These techniques made the audience understand that they need …show more content…

has done the same thing of inspiring the Negros, just as Lincoln did to his fellow dears. I King’s speech he has also gave an amazing quote of him dreaming that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed, he was dreaming his children would not be judged by their skin, but by the content of their character. All he wanted to say was that one-day his children were bonding with children of white. He has also used many great literary devices such as repetition, allusion, parallelism, antithesis, metaphors, and contrast. He has similarly used the techniques Lincoln used in his

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