
Gevonese Crime Family Counterculture Essay

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A counterculture is a subculture that rejects the major values of the larger society and replaces them with a new set of cultural patterns (Thomas). The Gevonese crime family is one of the countercultures in America. The reason why the Gevonese family is a counterculture is because of their acts of crime and their code of Omertá-a rule that forbids speaking or providing knowledge about specific activities, even the activities of a criminal group (Farlex). Their actions and code of Omertá is unacceptable to Americans because most of Americans believe in an honest living and are taught that cooperating with law enforcement is the right thing to do. The Gevonese crime family is one of the strongest organized crime families in the country and is one of the “Five Families” of New York. In the 1930’s, the family was established after Charles Lucky Luciano but was reestablished after Vito Gevonese took control in 1957. The family is unique in the fact that they have had just five members testify against them as witnesses for the state in their history. Their regard for Omertá has protected them from prosecution and helped to maintain their influence in New York and nearby areas. In years past, however, they could not escape mockery as they were controlled by Vincent “The Chin” Gigante, who walked aimlessly in the streets …show more content…

Their actions are promoting a rebellious attitude towards law enforcement. By the Gevonese family escaping prosecutions and maintaining silence about their own crimes their promoting bad behavior in Americans. Sociological imagination is the ability to see the connection between the larger world and my private life (Thomas 5). The Gevonese family actions have probably supported the crime that we see in the world today. However, most Americans don’t seem to accept the way the Gevonese family lives. I know I don’t accept

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