
Gfba Gene Essay

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Effect of cultivation conditions and gfba gene on formation of biofilm by Streptococcus dysgalactiae

The pathogenesis of Streptococcus dysgalactiae is attributed to a combination of extracellular factors and properties such as adherence and biofilm formation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of different factors, additives and bovine milk compounds on S. dysgalactiae biofilm formation, as the presence of the gfba gene by PCR. Additionally, extracellular DNA and the effect of DNaseI were evaluated in the biofilms yielded. Optimal biofilm development was observed when the pH was adjusted to 7.0 at 37 ºC. Additives as glucose and lactose reduced biofilm formation as bovine milk compounds tested. PCR assay showed …show more content…

Treatment of the disease is currently based on antimicrobial susceptibility tests according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) [5]. Standard therapy designed for bacteria isolates at planktonic state continues to be applied. However, the pathogenic profile and the antimicrobial resistance are totally different from biofilms, causing reduced cure rates. Furthermore, the ability to form biofilm is important both from the pathogenicity to the animal as for the manufacturing milk industries, where the pathogen can adhere to abiotic food processing structures and persist in adverse conditions through biofilms. The development and establishment of the biofilm depend on the ability of pathogen to adhere to bovine mammary epithelial cells. S. dysgalactiae have many virulence factors including the capacity to bind to the host's cells surface by a protein called GFBA, which is involved in adherence and internalization, by its linking to lactoferrin [6]. It was demonstrated that the S. dysgalactiae isolated from mastitis cows was able to produce biofilm [7]. Economic negative effects in the milk production around the world and the possible involvement of biofilms in S. dysgalactiae mastitis infections, address the research to the study of factors that may contribute for the biofilm production in order to establish more effective treatment strategies. Different studies report that environmental conditions influence the capacity to form biofilm in

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