
Giant Impact Theory

Decent Essays

Giant Impact Theory states that a Mars sized object slammed into the Earth, knocking off a huge piece of the planet. The debris first formed a ring that quickly collided into the Moon, while the impactor probably crashed later into the Sun. The theory was put forward by men that were named Dr. William K. Hartmann and Dr. Donald R. Davis in a 1975 article in Icarus. The giant impact theory is the most accurate theory compared to the other theory's: Capture Theory, sister theory, and fission theory.

Scientists have suggested that the moon was created when a Mars size object collided with Earth 4.5 billion years ago. There was more than 40 percent of the moon made up of debris from the impacting body. The model fit an emerging view of how …show more content…

The planets are so incredibly small compared to space that it seems nearly impossible for something big to be captured instead of missing us or striking us. Many of the moons surrounding other planets are really captured asteroids and not objects that formed in place with the mother planet (The Capture Theory). One sign that a moon is really a captured asteroid is that it has a round shape. Another sign that a moon may be captured is if it orbits in a direction opposite to that of the mother planet. The Earth's Moon is rounded and orbits with Earth. These are the most direct pieces of evidence that the Moon is not a captured object. If the moon were a captured object it would explain why the moon and the Earth are not made of the same …show more content…

The problem with this theory is that such a rapidly spinning earth is not supported by evidence from any other planet. When the core and mantle occurred there was a decrease in Earth's moment of inertia because there was more mass focused towards the center of the planet. When moment of inertia is proportional to angular acceleration this caused the Earth to rotate faster and made the Earth rotationally unstable. As a result the shape of the Earth became increasingly distorted until part of it split off. The remaining Earth material had a much lower mass and became more stable but because it's speed of rotation was high to the speed of the new Moon, tidal forces would have caused the orbital distance of the Moon to increase (Himson).

The giant impact theory is the best theory because the rest of the theory's are good but they don't seem accurate and they seem like someone made it up. For the giant impact theory a piece from the planet broke off and formed into the moon. Also most scientists agree with this theory. People should support this theory because it is the most reliable and the truth about how the moon was formed. The other theory's are a good thought but his one is the best

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