Once a week in elementary school, I was sent to a small classroom on the other side of the building, accompanied by a handful of my peers. The first time that this happened, I panicked and thought that I was in trouble. I soon found out that instead of being disciplined, I was beginning a Gifted course. This class was specially designed for students, like me, who needed a more engaging classroom environment. We took part in reading books at a higher reading level and doing special research projects. Now, I realize that that Gifted class was the beginning of my more advanced schooling that would continue all through my academic career.
Clearly, my inclination toward more advanced learning did not stop after I left the fifth grade. While my family taught me that school was important, a majority of my learning was inspired by my desires to learn and to succeed. My high school workload has consisted almost exclusively of Honors and AP level courses. In fact, I was one of only a handful sophomores in a AP United States History course dominated primarily by upperclassmen. I have maintained above a 4.0 GPA in spite of the more rigorous workload and all of my AP scores have been 4’s and 5’s. I’m currently enrolled in four other AP courses:
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In fact, one of the reasons that I am most excited to go to college is because of the more intense and rigorous learning. In some of my high school classes, I have enjoyed learning about the subject matter, but the pace of the class was too slow for my liking. I prefer a more investigative style of schooling that allows me to be a part of a more engaging learning environment, and I know that I will find in the Honor’s program. I would also appreciate being part of the Honors Residential Learning program because I enjoy being surrounded by other studious individuals with equally academic
Watership Down is a novel about anthropomorphized group of rabbits who live in their natural habitat. They are in search of a new warren, after a rabbit named Fiver has a vision about the destruction of their warren. With Hazel as their leader, they survive through a precarious journey of temptation and perils such as predators as well as traps set by humans. Through their journey, they tell their tale of mythical rabbit name El-ahrairah.
When I was in high school, I wished I was one of the top students in class. And when I saw the top students get awards in my senior graduation, I felt a surge of humiliating emotions – a feeling that I will never forget. I wanted to do it – I wanted to get that award, but I couldn’t. But now, since I can start fresh in college, taking honors college is going to help me get the highest distinction, the thing I couldn’t do when I was in high school. Following my passion will also lead me to stronger sense of the world and how I belong into it and why I am doing what I am. I will also basically have a deeper understanding of myself and the world by being in Honors college.
Biology, chemistry, statistics, calculus, US history, and so on are just some of the many different choices for an advanced placement (AP) courses available to high school students to possibly earn college credit. But what about all the negatives of taking these courses, the cost of the test, and the added stress is only scratching the surface. Time to face facts and see that taking these AP courses will only bring further distress to students taking these courses.
As a student of Eaton High School I have been able to take advantage of many academic and extracurricular activities while still being able to maintain an above average GPA. I currently have a grade point average of 3.731. This was achieved through taking classes that fit the “Honors Diploma” curriculum. Including but not limited to: Honors Algebra II, History 100, Introduction to Literature, and Spanish IV (a collegiate introduction to elementary spanish). I have chosen to take these classes as they will continue to apply in the future as a student of the University of Northern Colorado. Each of these classes were not only challenging, but they had taught me skills that would extend far beyond my high school career. I had learned to
For as long as I can remember learning has always intrigued me. I desired to be the best at learning to read in first grade, the best at learning multiplication facts in fourth grade, and the best at learning to titrate acids and bases in eleventh grade. Striving to learn the most has simply become a habit of mine. Throughout high school, my schedule was always filled with honors and AP classes allowing me to learn more and more everyday. After school and practice my nights were spent doing hours of homework to keep up my academic record. The amount of work I put in has paid off as evident by my transcript. I am ranked 6th out of a class of 296 with an over 4.0 gpa. Last year, I received a five on the AP Calculus AB exam and fours on AP Language and Composition and AP Chemistry exams making me an AP Scholar. Thankfully people were not exaggerating when they said hard work reaps rewards. My day in and day out diligence in school that stemmed from a love of learning led to my acceptance into Carnegie Mellon. The interactive intellectual environment draws me toward the prestigious school. I hope to one day graduate from Carnegie Mellon University with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering and to then begin a successful and purposeful career ignited by my
I enjoy being surrounded by individuals who seek to make their voices be heard and grow as leaders. The Honors community will expose me to new motivated individuals from whom I can learn. The Program is composed of leaders and motivated individuals who will enhance my leadership and social skills and also challenge me to improve. The rigorous course of study will serve to prepare me for graduate school and a successful medical career in the near future. The medical field is demanding, and the experiences and education offered through the program will make me a better qualified individual when I move on to medical school.
The honors program peaked my interest because of what I want to do after I’m done with schooling. I plan on going to school for a total of eight years because my dream is to become a veterinarian. After looking into this program and what requirements I must have to get into school, I see that I can reach many of said requirements. I’m interested because I know with the help of this program I will be able to reach not only my goal, but achieve my dream. This is also why I believe I will be successful in this program.
Before I started my first semester of college I made sure that my academic and career goals were set to avoid indecisiveness. One of my intellectual objectives has always been to be a part of the honors college. Deep in my heart I know I have what it takes to be in an organization of students that excel with integrity. Furthermore, the benefits that come along with being a student within the honors college can assist me with getting through my scholastic agenda which includes internships, scholarships and honorary mentions.
Besides, I am a student that does not only persistently works hard academically, but also I constantly try to improve my own community’s quality of life by doing volunteer work and it has always been a goal for me to return back to my community that helped me a lot during high school and even now in college. I believe education is the key to success, and I try to connect my passion for education with my desire of helping others. As a result, I decided that the honors program was the perfect way to fulfill this educational goal that I
I believe I am a good candidate to be an Honors scholar because I have the motivation to immerse myself towards my goal of a more integrated and open society. While college itself will enable me to explore theoretical methods of fulfilling my intentions, Honors College will be the platform I use to expose myself to the practical work of fulfilling my
My interest in the Honors program began when I started investing my personal time on learning. Many adolescents my age follow the "status qua". The idea that going to college and getting a degree will get them a higher paying job, while that may be true, the reality is earning an education is a personal journey to me. Many slack off and quit or others pursue their life long goals. I want to be the student that studies to understand theories. Phoenix College was my first interest in academic learning because it is known to be the oldest community colleges from all across the nation and I believe the endless programs that are offered here are beneficial to everyone. Not only that but it is also known for its diversity. The diversity is so immense
Being in the Honors Program would be challenging obstacle. You will have more tests, more homework, and will be able to take the AP exam for some classes. So in the process of these classes you are being prepared for higher classes like the IB and/or AP courses. I think that the Honors Program will prepare me for the higher courses because in the classes they prepare you for your future. The classes will will help you to exceed in IB and/or AP because of the high expectations that the teachers hold to your ability. Also in college when high expectations need to be met you will have a lot more confidence because you know what the teachers are going to expect from you. This program will also help my writing skills improve because in High School
Pushing yourself to the limit is my life's model. The Honors Program is way for me to go one step further in my educational career and strive to become the best that I can be. The enriching education that the Honors Program can provide me the push I need to become better. To be perfectly honest, I’m not the most communicative person out there. I’m not a person that talks about what I think and fear if I’m wrong. However, the Honors Program ,with its discussion based seminars, can help me where I lack. I believe that the Honors Program is going to be similar to AP Language class in my junior year. AP Language help develop my humanity with in me. In was my Junior year, I had this burning hatred for the all humanity classes. Though many students
The Maze Runner by James Dashner is 374 pages and is a science fiction novel. The story takes place in a strange place surrounded by massive thick ivy covered walls. The outside of these walls is a detrimental maze. The people in between the walls are called Gladers. They have been memory wiped and sent to a mysterious place called the Glade. The main characters that take place at the Glade are Thomas, Theresa, Gally, Alby, Minho, Chuck, and Newt. When arriving at the Glade everyone quickly shares one common goal. Their goal is to figure out the maze and get out of there. The conflict in the story is Thomas and Theresa have all the tools to free them, but the other Gladers are accusing them of all the change brought
Parents today are in a time where there is more research about how to raise their child than ever before. There is a staggering amount of information throughout the library’s and internet that will point out the simple pros and cons of Corporal punishment. Many children psychologists state that violence will always produce violence, it will never reduce aggression. This is a generally accepted fact that has been proven and studied for decades. Will someone such as a child, not act out against an aggressor because of the natural drive to preserve their inherited material? There are usually four things that children who have experienced child abuse will do in later years. One they themselves will become the abuser they will act out the situations that they themselves were put in. Two they will cower down to interaction and will raise children that take advantage of them or three they will never full grow up and will be mentally handicapped by the entire situation that the scars are irreversible. Or four they will grow up perfectly normal and learn for the mistakes of their abuser. Fear from an abuser may actually may not be an emotion caused by an aggressor, depending on the social situation, but it is one of the most fundamental facts of social psychology that aggression towards a subject will produce increased aggression in the affected subject, in terms of the population of course. Many parents face a dilemma when it comes to the punishing of their children. The debate