
Gifted Education Plan Analysis

Decent Essays

I believe that an affective education plan should be systematic where gifted education is integrated with school wide initiatives and programs throughout all the grade levels, K-12. Opportunities for gifted students should be incorporated and made available into the regular school day and the school year. Gifted education should be the responsibility and a collaboration between all staff members working together in meeting the need of the students. An affective program should be sustainable. It should be an integral part of the school district’s staff and funding plans. The program should not depend on any particular funding source or person. Staff and personnel should be responsive to local student demographics, curriculum, resources, …show more content…

Engaging in conversations is an important part of developing this gifted plan. Through shared vision and collaborative discussions, local school districts can make decisions that respond to the needs of their students and maximize the resources in their communities. The impression that “one size does not fit all” applies to gifted plans as well as to classroom instruction. This means that gifted education may look different from school to school (Mursky …show more content…

It is important for teachers to motivate their students whenever possible. Unmotivated students are more likely to not participate, act out/misbehave, or be involved with the school. Terrell Bell, former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education said, "There are three important things to remember about education. The first one is motivation, the second is motivation, and the third is motivation." In order to strengthen classroom motivation, teachers should create success through praise, encouragement, and intrinsic rewards. With teacher guidance, students can learn that a completed project, whether perfect or not, is a reward in itself (Badolato, 1998). As teachers recognize students' accomplishments, they encourage students to attempt and risk new things (Katz,

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