For my project i made a girl made out of fire and a boy made out of water. Color played a large role in this piece as for both the background and the characters they had to unified and also have a good contrast to see what is going on. For the girl i needed to use a variety of oranges to make it look like she was on fire. For the boy i used different types of bleus to make it look like he was made out of water and the background was made with dark purples and blacks so that you can clearly see both the girl and the boy clearly. The color choice was also important in the clothing as it helps show the difference in what is what, examples is that i used red in the blet and color of the girls dress while the rest of her is orange and yellows mix.
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For the boy i used a light in the ocean to help make it look like moving water and for the girl in both her dress and hair is made with flames. It would have been one thing to have it made with just orange but with the flame like texture it helped make it look more like fire then just plain orange. I also helped the textures to identify what was what, for their skins i would use plain colors and textures and for there clothes and hair used very textured items to help show what is skin and what clothing. I also used more complex textures in some parts of the clothing and less to help the eye see that they are different parts of the dress. For example in the girl's dress the skirt is made with flames while the top part is made with the background of an orange sky, and the belt is made with red fabric. This helped so i did not to outline parts with pen but instead let someone see the separate
The work is very smooth and fluid making it appear much like a photograph. The oil is not built up on top of itself keeping it very two dimensional. The colors vary between dark and light throughout the painting. In the top right corner, the sun, outside the painting, shining down, aluminates the castle and also the lone tree at the bottom left corner. Besides the back cliff, the rest of the painting is in shadow and displayed in a much more melancholy tone. The colors that Cole focuses on, to display the sharp contrast between rock and nature, are mostly dark greens and gold. The striking blue of the river stands out dramatically from the rest of the colors and draws the eye after the initial citing. The grey in the cloud is the only place where I can find that shade of gray in the work, and it sets itself apart from the snow white clouds in the background. The color helps draw the eye immediately to the castle on the hill. My eyes then fallow the flow of the river down to the tree, which is illuminated by a beam of sunlight.
The color tone is mostly analogous in the mural; however, there are complementary colors in detail elements such as the artist uses blue and green for large areas to represent river and mountains, uses red and orange to paint houses, huts, horses, small roads and clothes in the village to create emphasis point. For the color tone that artist uses, the harmony of blue and green of the most of the areas can represent the abundance of water or farms in the village and a rainbow ribbon shows what the leader gives to people in the village as
The element of art being most emphasized is color. There is a contrast in the artwork in the negative, The wall has cool and high key tones which contrast with the Egyptians and food that has warm and neutral colors. Although the artwork is not symmetrical, the light green color shown in the small details such as the carvings on the wall, necklaces, and food contribute a balance of colors within the artwork. In the artwork, there is a variation of curved lines and shapes that also bring the piece together. For examples, the lines are curvacious on the elbows, shoulders, and necklaces of the Egyptians and the objects around them. There are rhythm and pattern shown through the lines and shapes because most of the art piece has a bulbous form like the rounding of the shoulders or the circular shape of the heads. The art piece also seems to be scratchy because of the chips in the stone and the edges of the stone have faded limestone. The two men sitting and facing each other have a contrast of color to the rest of the art piece making them emerge into a more noticeable figure than the rest.
Color is the most prominent art element utilized in the work. A series of bright warm colors such as whites, greens, reds, blues, gold, and purple have been used throughout the art. Gold is seen on the robes of the priest and Justinian, but is most noticeable in the background. White is used for the priest’s robes and distinguishes them from the group. A lighter green fills the lower background by their feet while darker greens are used for the shield and bordering designs. A deep purple is seen on Justinian’s robe to show his royalty and power. Blue and red are the least prominent as they are mainly used in the boarder and small details. Lines are used to create a sense of depth and sharply outline the figures. Overlapping is seen with the figures to show their importance in the art. The composition of the art shows the status and roles of the men with the most important near the middle (Justinian) and the least important off to the
The work, Pillar of Fire, uses many different types of brush strokes, and patterns to create the illusion of a pillar of fire. She uses many interlocking lines to create the columns for the fire. To create the actual fire, she uses many different hues of orange, red, and black. To focus the attention towards the center of the painting, she uses lighter blue and red hues on the outskirts of the painting.
The color scheme of the piece could be called monochromatic. A large majority of the piece is simply the different shades of brown and orange that are used for the lions and the rocks. However, Sir Peter Rubens decides to add a bright red colored cloth behind Daniel in order to add variety and interest to the viewer.
Next is the use of color, or lack thereof. The colors in the background are very quiet and muted, mostly subdued blues and grays with hints of a deep red and brownish yellow peeking though. The colors used for the figure are browns and tans, almost as if the was painted with mud, like she is all-natural and from the earth. The range of colors would seem to have a cool tone if you were looking at them on a painter’s palette but the arrangement of color on the canvas gives the piece a warm feeling.
The textures used in the illustrations are specific and are only used to highlight important aspects of the story, if something is not important it does not have as much detail and texture put into it which guides the reader’s eyes. The woodcut style shown in the illustrations also depict the story as a story being passed down an oral tradition.
An example of this would be Dorothy’s blue and white chiffon dress. In the story we are painted a very detailed and vivid picture of how the dress is
For example, the piece starts in pianissimo which gradually builds to fortissimo and I attempted to represent this dynamic with a gray and brown blend to represent the quiet darkness in the beginning of the piece. Then I added in shades of red to show a comparison between the increasing loudness and a gradually spreading fire. Additionally, as the music increases to fortissimo, it also picks up in tempo, which I demonstrate through the movement of the winged trolls in the work. Lastly, I broke the painting into 4 panels to display my mental image of the story as it correlates with the changes in the music and drew the figures with a scribble technique to represent the imagination in the middle of the experience. Overall, the main concept I tried to show in "The Troll Dance" is the theme of what building anticipation and excitement can do to the
The effect that forms are that of biometric feel beside the people they have more of geometric feel. The colors do impact this artwork greatly because each color is harsh and sot of clash with one another. The colors are black, gold, red, brown, white and light blue. The colors are mixed. The color on the mother's dress is a harsh black versus that of her children which are every light and airy. The hue of the piece of art is very light in some spaces but in other places it can be very dark. The saturation is very different in many places if you look at the woman's dress and in the dog, you can see that it is very saturated but if you look at the two girl's dresses you can tell that its less saturated. When
But I tried, and have come up with the design of the Goblin and its outfit as I was researching about the ancient clothes, while trying to keep the sword the same colours, and design as the original. The face and the hair part was what I really like about the painting, with the purpose of the face is blank and the mask to reveal the mysterious of the Goblin (though I have not added enough gradient/shadow), and the hair (which took me quite a long time) with that bangs covering about half off the face. Furthermore, I also added small details, such as the dandelion (in the drama was a different thing that relates to buckwheat flower), and the birds to create something that feels like “time is passing by,” just like the Goblin. Overall, I have to say that I am not really happy with my project (but somewhat happy with my planning), because I have not done everything on the painting, plus my sword did not stick onto the canvas as it suppose to, and I will try harder next year not to focus on one spot at a time, but rather multiple spots to makes the whole painting looks even (not one part is nice and the other is
We can also see the use of black shades to create a hole at the bottom part of the rock. With his excellent use of colors, we can identify the good, healthy and green grass from the bad, unhealthy, brown grasses. Looking beyond the main focus of the painting, he uses colors to separate the sky from the land in the background creating a solid form of perspective on the painting. He also uses colors to create water forms as seen behind the young character. Now, for the sky, he uses shades of white to magnificently differentiate the thick clouds from the light ones. He also uses this to create a source to light to the whole area. All these put together creates a splendid, realistic and familiar atmosphere for the viewers to relate with.
The things that stood out to me is the pitch-fork, the house, and their facial expressions. I believe most of these elements were added to the painted to describe something bigger. As for pitch-fork, in my thoughts the first thing that came to mind was The Sea King also know as Ariel's Father from the Disney movie The Little Mermaid. He was the king , which gave him power to rule and also with his crown the pitch-fork showed his power too. The man holding the pitch-fork shows realism because back then it was believed that man had the ruling power in the house hold and whatever he said goes.
Each person in the four nations can either control fire, water, earth (rock), and or air. The Avatar named Aang discovers that he has the power to control all four elements, something that no one else can do. With this Aang is expected to defeat the powerful fire nation saving the other 3 nations. In the tv show, there's an abundance of drama that makes it interesting and unexpected. To portray our vision effectively we set the background as King Bumi's kingdom, this is an important setting in the story being this is where a lot of the actions happens. We incorporated a detailed background as well as numerous props to make sure the set looks more 3 dimensional instead of 1 dimensional which can, unfortunately, ruin a play. One of the larger props is a bridge, this will be good for the character to walk on adding a next level effect to the play. In Act 4; Scene 2 our group understood that a mixture of emotions was going on, sometimes more than one emotion at once. To efficiently show what each character was experiencing we incorporated different colored